Friday 12 July 2019

Family Friday

Tama-Chan: One of the thing we are realising is that, with fewer of us, we are having to take on more posts individually, which is how I come to be hosting this one today.

After all the upheavals we have had, including #1 being away so much in June and early July, we are settling back into a routine and learning to be a smaller family. Here I am, yesterday afternoon, snoozing with the blye boy:

On a different day:


And when Da Genj had to go for his annual check-up and shots on Thursday, Ollie went with him for moral support. That's what families do, right?

#1 hasn't yet been able to go and see the Vs but she is planning in it tomorrow, so we should have some fresh photos of them.


  1. that was nice and very brave Ollie! we give us support too, but it ends mostly in a disaster when the vet-man has to deal with two psychopaths...

  2. A smaller family means more attention for all and more cuddled :) Good of Ollie to keep Genji company at the Vet. Hope it was a good visit.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. It's good to see you all together for a while now. Ollie is such a good pup to join Genji for his vet visit.

  4. Tama, that looks like a super comfy couch; purrfect for snoozing, either on the set or up top! Hope having a friend helped Genji at the vet.

  5. I used to go along with Binga or Boodie on their vet visits, but since my human has to do it all herself, she hasn't been taking me along. It's harder with two carriers, than just one party on a leash!

  6. It was good of Ollie to accompany Genji to the vet.

  7. Nice to have company to the vet.

  8. Mee-yow wow Genji! Yore Ollie went to THE Vet with you??? Pawsum!! Maybee mee shuud get a doggie to come to Vet with wuud bee nice to have a frend there....
    **purrsss** BellaDharma


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