Me modelling the radiator hammock:

Tama-Chan modelling the high-beam hammock:

We are happy to ship the hammock anywhere in the world, but if the winners are outside Europe, the package will go out by SAL (surface air-lift) so will probably take 2-4 weeks to get there. We will also have a consolation prize of a bag of toys and treats.
If you would like to enter the draw, please leave a comment on this post. Entries will be accepted until midnight Saturday (Sep.18) French time (2 hours ahead of GMT), and we will draw the winners on Sunday.
PS: Tommy has promised he will organise a giveaway for woofies sometime soon.
Wow! Can I leave 18 comments ? I'd love a hammock, and then maybe I could reach out and biff Risto or Aila from it. And the colours would really suit my furs, and Äiti could put it high up so I can rule my kingdom from above. This is exciting and an excellent way to celebrate the Championship of Lord Fuku-Chan. And it is also very generous of you :)
ReplyDeletePurrs and headbonks x
Momma says I can't enter because that sweet bed would not be suitable to me. Sob. Good luck with the contest.
I know that Ambrose would try to curl up in that hammock (he always tries to get in my bed) and break it so we can't enter either. I am sure that a nice kitty would enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteYour friends,
Niamh & Ambrose
I know two cats who would love such a hammock!
ReplyDeleteOh Yu-Chan caught two mice? Good boy!
That's so cool! We'd like to enter please. It would be nice to hang out in the hammock and think of you.
ReplyDeleteYuu-Yuu, we are impressed by your mighty hunting skills. Very well done!
What a great giveaway! If we win, perhaps we will come to France to visit and collect the hammock that way!
ReplyDeleteOooh yes please we would love to be entered for a chance to win one of those hammocks - just the job hung on a radiator for the winter.
ReplyDeleteWe are delighted you caught TWO mice yesterday Yuu-Chan - mum says #1 will be deciding how to serve them up for today's dinner!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Ooo!! Ooo!! Ooo!! Here!! Here!! Here!!! Meee!!! Meee!!! Meee!! I sooooo wanna hammock!! I wanna hammock, I wanna!! Please, can I enter us in the draw?? I promise on a huge bag of treats and a whole chicken that I will share it with Tiny if we win. I SWEAR!! NO, do not click your tongue and wave your head from side-to-side...I am not a bed hog! Really. I just like to SHARE good spots with Tiny, but she always runs away...what can I say? She is just fearful of my mancatliness, but I am a gentleman sometimes, I swear, the other day I caught a mouse and I let Tiny eat it. Yes I did!! I DID! Purrs to all you lucky cats that have hammocks there in your house (though I don't know if I would have the courage to get on that high-up-on-the-beam are super brave!!), Lautrec (and Tiny, too...OF COURSE!)
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Sri Lanka. My two kitty babies would love the hammicks...
ReplyDeleteSo very nice of Yuu chan to catch the mice as presents for #1...
Wow, those are great reasons for a giveaway.
ReplyDeleteWe are proud on you both!!!You looks comfortable in these hammocks.
Patch is really interested in Tommys woofie giveaway!!!
schnurrrrr and purrrrrs
o mai goodness! Iz rly gud surprise!
ReplyDeleteOh, wow! If we hung the hammock at the end of the bed, maybe our people (they are so OLD :) wouldn't wake up crunched into such funny shapes! (We like to sleep between their feet.)
ReplyDeleteKrissie (little cat sis)
& Sophie (BIG CAT SIS)
Way to go, Yuu-Chan!!!
ReplyDeleteNice giveaway, but no kitties expected here. Good luck to all the entrants.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh Tama-Chan,Sei-Chan,Yuu-Chan and Bibi-Chan,
ReplyDeleteThose hammocks make me wish I could be a kittie..someone will be awfully lucky
smoochie kisses
Oh man!!! What a cool napping spot. I'll make the Woman find a spot for that!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! That sounds like a lovely give away! We'd be happy to enter in this contest.
ReplyDeleteAnd wow! We are so impressed by Yuu-chan's hunting skills. Woo hoo! We hope this means he's on the mend.
9 and Chani
That hammock looks fab and we have beams at our house! If I don't win, maybe I can get my human to make one (like she is ever going to get around to that!).
ReplyDeleteI wonder if BroFur and/or Butterskhotch would want a hammokhk to hang from their khytty khondo ;-)
ReplyDeleteBest of lukhk to woo khats on this one!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Tommy - make sure woo get lots of woofie scent on them!
Oh yes please I would love to enter.. That is a superb givaway... Hugs GJ xx
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely idea! My kitty would love a hammock. He's 14 now, so he sleeps about 20 hours a day! LOL
ReplyDeleteOh we are very behind so first we have to say congrats for Fuku-Chan - how cool that he was a winner - and that he is your half brother (and Bibi's full brother) just shows that you are all champions, even if you don't have the official title!
ReplyDeleteAnd wow Yuu-Chan TWO mice - what a manly mancat you are! We are so impressed!!
Oh, and mom said that even though we adore the hammock, she can't think where we would put it (so far she can only think of the railing that it could go on, and she is afraid it would make us climb up on it which she doesn't want because she is no fun) so even though we would love one, right now we think someone who could use it better deserves it, so don't count us in the drawing.
Wow, that is so nice of you to do that to celebrate. My kitty sisters would love that I'm sure...but I think I'm too big for it. :)
ReplyDeleteWe would love a hammock! With a herd of furballs, there aren't enough high surfaces for us all to escape to. And being cats, we sure do love to look down on you humanbeans. :)
ReplyDeleteWOW! It is furry furtunate that I told san to read the blogs this morning. YES. We would lurve the hammock. san told me we do not have a place but I told her "nevur mind silly woman! I will find a way." :)
ReplyDeleteTanaka_Chan :))
Oh wow, what a cool thing to do for your first give away. We would love to have a hammock like that. Mum will be able to figure out where to put it so we can use it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great prize! We have always thought your hammocks look like great fun. We would love to enter the drawing.
ReplyDeleteWell, who wouldn't want to win a hammock from the Chans! Count me in - my little Coco would love it.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to all the entrants!
ReplyDeleteWe won't enter on behalf of poor old Tinkerbell because is just that - very old - and she was difficulty getting up on the sofa now so we don't think she'd ever manage a hammock! But they are fantastic and we're sure a very deserving cat will win one!
take care
Clive and Murray
We fink the hammick is awesome ~ but since we already haff one we won't enter the draw, so sumbuddy hoo doesn't haff one can get lucky.
ReplyDeleteMemememememe! Pick me!
ReplyDeleteOh that is so cool! We want to enter, but if we'd ask that you get your furs on it so we can smell you!!! That's just how we are...
ReplyDeleteI have beams in my new house! I could have a hammock! So, please add me to the drawing, my dear 'Chans and Tommy!
ReplyDeleteOh, and WAY TO GO!!! Yuu-Chan! Two mice! What tasty protein to help your body return to it's lithe and healthy-ness!
ReplyDeleteWOAH!! How awesome is that hammock! and mice!! The only mice we see are pink and green with plastic whiskers!! Well done my friend!