Sunday 17 December 2023

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Yesterday, Ollie and #1 left a little before 10am and did not return until 8pm! The weather was beautiful and they had a great time, along with Mr. G and Ms. R, meeting up with The Big V! Here he is getting a snuggle from Mr. B who drives him, and a mint (brought by #1) from Ms. A!

And here he is with Ms.A and Mr. G:

And one with a very happy looking #1!

We will share pics of him and Toscane at work during the week.

I did not manage to get any selfies with #1 this week, but here are a couple of pics of me with two of the boys, Ryū and Momo:

Now you all know that Momo loves Ollie, but those two really outdid themselves this week!

Here are Benny and Ryū, both snuggled up on #1:

All three youngsters on #1's bed:

And a nice snuggle pic of #1 with Ollie, and Lily joining in:

And a nice pic of Ollie getting a snuggle from Mr. G and a little boy who loved him on sight yesterday!

We even have pics with V&H this week!

Heloise first:

And Miss Violette:

We are pleased with our full line-up and hope you enjoy it. Now, can you help us solve a mystery? We received a package from Amazon that contained lots of goodies for us kitties and also a bag of dog treats, but we have no idea who sent it to us! Can anyone help?


  1. wow, the ultimate secret Santa from the big A.. you may never know. way back in 1977 i got a check for 100 dollars and this was a lot back then, in a Christmas card. never did find out who it was from.
    I love love love the full line up. you even got all the people that love all the dogs, cats and horses. perfect post

  2. Mints, carrots and apples, a surefire way to any horse's heart and snuggle. My, everyone has been getting some serious combined snuggling. Cats and dogs can make the best of snuggle mates, for sure. Momo and Ollie take our prize this week for most endearing. Have a lovely and dry week!

  3. What nice snugglin' - but I am still concerned about all that marshmallow stuck to Ollie's furs!

    It really looks like you had a great time - and yes, your weather looked to be close to ours BUT we are for a 'change' - wet wind temperature drop etc

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - it so looks like all loved YOU!

  4. I LOVED seeing all the snuggling! Each picture! And that first one was such a winner!! I enjoyed seeing Vidok get is snuggle for sure!

  5. Those are such wonderful photos of everyone. Vidock sure is enjoying the loving and Ollie and Momo melts the heart.

  6. Amazing smuggle pictures. I can't pick a favorite as I love them all. They definitely say "peace on earth." Wishing you all the best Christmas ever.

  7. Santa Claus must have dropped off a good gift fur the kitties! Hope you find out the source! And the pictures of #1 and Ms.A and Mr. G and the horsies is fun.

  8. Those are all great snuggle pictures. It looks like Vidock is doing well at his job and is well loved by his handlers.

  9. Dearest Poupounette,
    Lovely photos of happy fur babies large and small!

  10. Lovely snuggles for all. It is always good to see Vidock again. Momo and Ollie are expert snugglers.

  11. Look at all the love being spread around!

  12. Such awesome snuggles...we are just wondering:
    will the big V be forever on assignment or will he come back to his spot??

  13. What great snuggles! And I love Big V’s Santa hat! Enjoy those treats from your Secret Santa!

  14. Chaplin: "Snuggles are the best! Dennis and I used to snuggle like Ollie and Momo. He was the best doggy brother ever!"


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