Thursday 21 December 2023

Christmas Ornaments!


Momo: We promised that we would show you more of our Christmas ornaments so here they are!

Queen Tama has had her own personalised ornament ever since she was a tiny kitten:

Ollie has a couple:

Benny has a couple too!

I have the one you saw yesterday and one other:

Ryū being a newbie, he has just the one you saw yesterday but we also have a great ornament that is for all of us cats!

I'm sure you guessed that the horses also have their own ornaments:

We are truly thankful that #1 cares about us so much she makes sure we have special ornaments in our tree.


  1. Wow! each one of you has their own and the tree is so pretty. I have not seen a tree with this many pet ornaments, not even on all the blogs. you are all well loved for sure.

  2. What a lovely collection of ornaments celebrating all at The Poupounette. Except...does #1 have an ornament, too?

  3. Thanks for sharing all those special ornaments!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - I'm glad you missed me on the post - I was being the good 'relative'!

  4. Well now, a wreath on a horse's patootey? Hahaha!

  5. Oona: "Oona loves those animal ornaments! Especially the one that looks like her!"

  6. We love all your beautiful ornaments that represent all of you.

  7. Those are all fun and beautiful ornaments gang! Of course you all are loved and special.

  8. Those ornaments are so pretty ! That makes your Christmas tree very special ! Purrs


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