Sunday 3 December 2023

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: We always try to have nice photos for our SoS posts but occasionally, we have outstanding ones. That is the case this week with this amazing trifecta snuggle pile of Ollie, Benny and Momo. Behold!

Here is one of just Benny and Momo:

And Benny snuggling with #1:

Ryū-Chan having morning snuggles with #1 in bed:

And Olllie's bedtime snuggles:

Momo-Chan was never much of a human snuggler but things are beginning to change. These days, he will come and sit on #1 in the morning:

And he likes to nibble on her fingers!

I of coure still spend quality time snuggling with #1:

#1 went to see the horsey girls on Friday so we even have nice snuggle pics with them!

Miss Heloise:

And Miss Violette:

It's gotten really cold so everyone is getting in as much snuggling as possible!


  1. That first photo is a wonderful snuggle pile. Lovely snuggles with everyone.

  2. I smiled at each photo and the first one of the three just melted my heart. when I got to the last one of #1 and Violette, my face had a grin the size of momo. ha ha... these are all excellent sos photos. wish i could see and touch all of you

  3. You all look perfectly warm and snuggly. Seeing you with Miss Violet & Miss Heloise makes me appreciate just how big they are. Bigger than our old cart horse. Glad everyone has their winter coats on!

  4. Definitely lots of snuggling going on over there!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - I snuggled against my #1 so well that she hardly had any of the bed - I was comfy and she was - well - not so

  5. Triple decker sandwich on first photo! And nice #1 and Miss V and Miss H!

  6. Those are all great snuggle pictures, but that first one sure is special.

  7. Getting colder and time to snuggle up for warmth! I snuggle up more now too.

  8. Gotta conserve body heat...or just love on your loved ones!

  9. Dearest Poupounette,
    Lovely images full of LOVE!

  10. Those are all so snuggly wonderful but that first one is so precious! Keep warm everyone!

  11. Cold weather does bring on outstanding snuggles !

  12. Great snuggles…that first one is purrfect!!

  13. Charlee: "That first picture gives new meaning to 'Fur Ball'!"


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