Friday 1 December 2023

Feline and Frootbat Friday


Momo-Chan: It has gotten cold but also sunny, and so we have been relaxing and enjoying sunpuddles!

I love to lounge on the back of the armchair:

Queen Tama loves to catch the sun!

Benny loves to nap in the sun:

And as for Ryū-Chan, well he is all about FROOTBATS!!!

Happy month of December, everyone!


  1. You have very impressive frootbats, Ryū.
    Glad you are all able to enjoy the sun. We have sun today too, but yesterday we had a dusting of snow which doesn't happen often here.

  2. Fruitbat is the winner, makes me smile so big. Cats do love sinks, but then they love anything they can get into... all of you look so happy and warm..

  3. Dearest Poupounette family,
    Lovely images of how the kitties enjoy their day.
    All four of ours also try to do the very same—finding a favorite soft and warm spot and looking for sun puddles entering our home...

  4. Precious is envious today of sun puddles. And look at those impressive frootbats!

  5. I love how y'all look so happy and Ryū-Chan, those frootbats are most impressive!

  6. All you felines look so happy and cute.

  7. NAT would be so proud of those Frootbats - and we can imagine his mom Darci would be screaming FROOTBATS!!!!!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - I had TWO 'ventures today - and started my own 'Willow's Door Dash' company!

  8. Ryu has impressive frootbat ears but Queen Tama got the impressive backlighting for hers !

  9. Ryu Chan yore so hansum an have THE kewlest earss!!! Momo an Benny yore so ADOORBSS! Queen Tame yore beeuteefull purr usual. Stay warm deer frendss! ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

  10. Great Friday Post!!! Those frootbats ... oh my!!

  11. Lulu: "That is some top notch froot batting there! The only foot bat here is Bean and that's just because of how he grins, not because of his ears!"


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