Sunday 31 December 2023

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: #1 is in Luxembourg and Mr. G is taking great care of us, as he always does. We mentioned that we were entertaining last Wednesday, hosting our annual festive lunch with friends and family. This was of course the perfect opportunity for some of us to snuggle far and wide.

I am always ready to snuggle. Here I am with #1's cousin, Mr. P:

And with Mr. G's Dad, Mr. R:

Little Ryū-Chan managed to sneak in a snuggle with Ms. N when he thought nobody was looking!

Ollie did a lot of snuggling with both Ms. H and Mr. R:

Both Benny and Momo made themselves scarce during most of the time we had guests, but #1 did capture a couple of great shots of the two of them snuggling together:

And last but not least, here is a selfie of me and #1 snuggling!

We wish you a fun New Year's Eve!


  1. It is nice to have visitors and get lots of extra snuggles. Happy New Year to all of you.

  2. So many happy snugglers of both species!

    Happy NYE!!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - please consider yourself snuggled!

  3. Love those happy snuggles! Be safe #1. Happy New Year from all of us!!!

  4. Those are all great snuggles. How fun to have visitors to give extra snuggles to.

  5. Happy New Year. Great snuggles any time of year.

  6. Happy New Year, and may 2024 be good to you and yours.

  7. Happy New Year! May the new year bring more snuggles!

  8. I hope you are blessed with many snuggles in the upcoming year

  9. we wish all of you days full of snuggling in this new year and look forward to seeing you do it. Happy new year. It is always good to have more people around to snuggle with. that is what Beau says


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