Monday 11 December 2023

Manly Monday


The Big V: As you know, I am doing a lot of carriage rides at various Christmas markets at the moment. More on that later in the week. But here is a nice pic of me and Toscane taken by a friend of #1's last week. I am on the left, slightly hidden by Ms. A's hat.

Ollie: I had a great time with Mr. G whilst #1 was in Paris. Here is a nice pic he took of me.

Benny, Momo and Ryū: Mr. G also took nice pics of all of us!

We hope you all have a great week. We are happy that #1 will be home with us!


  1. Oh, those lovely horsies and kitties, so adorable ALL. And we see your tile floors are like ours, the pic with the darling peeking around the door.

  2. aaah it seems then you have best connections to santa? please tell him we were super good, it was some other dog who did all the mischief.....

  3. Those are lovely photos of all of you. The dark background and the light shining on Benny is superb!

  4. Wonderful photos of you manly ones! We are having so much wind here today that our little Island may just blow across the Atlantic to you!

  5. I would love a carriage ride with you!

  6. mr g has a real gift with photography! of course it helps that his models are all beautiful/handsome. the big V is looking fantastic

  7. Yay for #1 being home! It isn't fun for us when our humans are not home.

  8. It's so good to see the Big V along with the rest of you boys. Mr. G takes great pictures of all of you.

  9. Dearest Poupounette,
    Lovely photos of the big pets and the smaller ones.
    Sure, all are waiting to be 'complete' again and all at home!
    Happy 2nd Advent!

  10. I love your photos everyone, such good lookers you all are!

  11. Big V - your job looks like such fun !

  12. What a great lookin' post and manly models!
    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - we opened you box tonight - thanks for sending the special OLLIE smells - we'll be bloggin'g about it on Tuesday!


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