Sunday 27 September 2020

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: With #1 away, we have been snuggling with Mr. G, but we also managed to get in quite a bit of snuggling before she went on!

Evening snuggles with me and #1:

Post Zoom-Grooming selfie:

It's a little out of focus, but here are Genji and Ollie snuggling with #1:

#1 giving The Big V a kiss:

And The Big V getting a kiss from Aral!

A Violette snuggle:

And Hotesse snuggle:

Heloise Snuggles:

Heloise's snuggle style is more like The Big V's, don't you think?


  1. I love this week's snuggle shots!

  2. Awwww... horses'snuggles are so sweet ! Great snuggle pictures ! Purrs

  3. Those snuggles all look totally wonderful gang!

  4. Such fun snuggles:)
    You all look so happy.
    Bet you are having fun with Mr G too ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  5. I am glad you all got your snuggles before #1 went away.

  6. We bet those snuggles will hold #1 over until she comes back...and can snuggle some more.

  7. Snuggle Time - lots of fun for all.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. Glad you stocked up on snuggles with #1 before she left.


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