Sunday 10 March 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: It's always nice to get back to the business of a snuggle post after a break. Welcome, everyone! Yesterday, Mr. G and Ms. N came over for tea, and Mr. G took a nice series of portraits of us with #1, so we will start with those:

Benny loves to be held for snuggles, so it's pretty easy to take picture with him:

I, on the other paw, don't like to be held much, so it always looks a bit laboured...

He got a cute tongue out pic of Momo!

As for Ryū-Chan, he thinks it is up to him to decide when to snuggle, so he is quite squirmy!

Mr. G only took one pic of #1 with Ollie, but we think it turned out pretty well:

Here is a fun pic of Ollie and Ryū on #1's bed in the morning:

And I shall finish off with this one of me with #1 of an evening:

We hope you have a snuggly Sunday. We know our American friends will be one hour short. That won't happen here in Europe until the end of the month.


  1. Those are lovely snuggles, but it looks like Ryū-Chan is following you in being a wriggler when held.

  2. Nice shots - all furry purry nice!

    We like the DST - as it's nice to have light after the GKP shift and days wrap - and more warning when spotting the deer for the trips home - just the herd(s) on campus and the commute could be a challenge -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - I'm getting ready for my shift - my #1 is afraid to log in not knowing what we'll encounter with the time change

  3. running late, due to time change, of course it is really 7:49 but my clock on computer says it is 8:49. oh well. all of these are really good and I as a human do not like to be cuddled. I never have, i fully understand a lot of people do. I do love cuddling with Beau and did with Big boy. I do not like people to come up and hug me.

  4. You all do look so snuggly. We have to snuggle today to stay warm as it is lightly snowing and wildly blowing! #1 sounds like she had a lovely tea time with hooman fur-einds!

  5. I had lots of nice snuggles with mum overnight too.

  6. We already are really missing that hour, friends!

  7. You all are so cute snuggline with #1. Mr. G takes great pictures.

  8. Love all the snuggle pics!
    I like snuggles too and get plenty of them.
    Mum and I miss that extra snuggle hour ;)
    Purrs Winnie

  9. You all are enjoying your snuggles with #1!

  10. Love those snuggles everyone and you always look so happy!

  11. Chaplin: "Orange shirt! Our Dada approves!"


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