Monday 14 February 2022

Manly Monday


Benny: Meerrrggggheow! I have a new nickname! From today onward you can call me HouBenny! Did you guess why? Over the past week, I managed to get out twice and spent two nights outside! #1 is not at all amused but I had a great time. She says I am grounded for life, but we'll see about that... We do have an enclosed porch and on both occasions, she left a carrier with a warm blankie there, and cracked open the door so I could get in if I was cold or sleepy. But yesterday morning, she found me in a hay-filled basket at the back of the garage. She told me that Trav used to sleep there.

Anymeow, #1 says today is Valentine's Day, so I posed with some hearts for you:

Would you all be my Valentines?

Ollie: #1 made me wear a special bandana!

The Big V: I don't need any accoutrements to be a Valentine, do I?

#1 says there is a song called "My Muddy Valentine." Really?


  1. Oh Benny, you are a naughty boy!I am very glad you didn't wander off. You have made up for it posing with the hearts though. Ollie, you look handsome in your bandana. Vidock, you certainly are a Muddy Valentine but it all adds to your manliness.

  2. Benny, you are a scamp! My human says that whoever winds up with the peach kitten that keeps visiting us (and our neighbor) will probably have to deal with the same behavior.

  3. Houbenny? that's a cool name, we love that ;O) a happ valentines day to all at poupounette central...

  4. Happy Valentine 's Day to you all!
    Benny, it is best if you stay in or in the cat run. It's safer and #1 won't worry so much.
    Ollie, I like your bandana :)
    Vidock,you are a pawsome Valentine just as you are ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  5. so glad you survived your adventures outdoors and thanks for the Valentine wishes. sending Valentine love and kisses to all of you

  6. You boys look wonderful! Benny, that's dangerous pal, no more out n' abouts. Happy Valentine's Day from all of us!

  7. Benny that is not nice to #1 for you to escape like that. Please stay inside where it's safe for you. You boys all make great Valentine's. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.

  8. Happy Valentine's Day, and hugs and purrs, barks and neighs!
    Benny, you are a stinker!

  9. Benny, you are quite the character! You need to stay inside no matter how fun the outside looks. :) Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!

  10. Charlee: "Happy belated Valentine's Day!"
    Chaplin: "Benny! You daring escape artist you! I took a few steps outside once when somebody left the screen door open, but then I got scared and ran back inside ..."

  11. Benny, naughty boy ! It's not nice to scare #1 like this ! You look so stylish with your bandana, Ollie, and Vidock, you're handsome, as usual ! We hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day ! Purrs


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