Thursday 18 July 2024

Thankful Thursdays - 16 Years and Going Strong!


Tama-Chan: We were unable to celebrate our 16th Blogoversary properly on June 28, as #1 was away. You know that I am known as "The Keeper of Memories" as well as being Queen of this house. I arrived at Poupounette Central in late October 2008, just four months after the blog was started by Sen-Chan and Tommy. You can find our very first blog post here. Sen-Chan had been longing for a sister and my arrival fulfilled his dreams. He simply adored me and me him. You can find my very first post here. Here is a picture from that post of me and my big brother:

Sadly, we lost the wonderful Sen-Chan to FeLV a few short months later. It was Tommy who looked after me then, and I adored him.

The next year, I had my one and only litter of kits and that scamp Bibi (aka Da Beebs) managed to convince #1 to let him stay.

Over the years we were also joined by Sei-Chan, Yuu-Chan, and Genji, and happily blogged about everyone's adventures. They are all long gone now, as is Tommy, and I am the only one who remains, the Keeper of Memories. I am thankful to still be here with my beloved #1 who waits on me hand and foot and does everything she can think of to make my life wonderful.

Here is a pic that Mr. G took of me when #1 was away. I am sitting in my carrier which I really love and so #1 has left it in the living room for me! See what I mean?

I am also thankful that we are still blogging and sharing our adventures with all of our friends around the world!


  1. You look so pretty, Tama-Chan. I am so glad you have such fine memories. Linda

  2. happy anniversary sweet 16... for the next 16 years and more and more...

  3. Though not with you over all these (wonderful and amazing years) we are certainly happy to be with you now ~ congratulate you ~ and look forward to sharing many more. Hugs of Happiness to all!

  4. Wow, I had no idea you were around in 2008.. I did one post in 2008 and did not do another until 6 months later in 2009. you have tons of memories to remember and you are very blessed to be treated so well...

  5. Those are wonderful memories and beautiful photos! Well done Tama-Chan!

  6. Happy 16th Blogaversary and we are so happy that we are getting to know you now.

  7. Happy anniversary Tama-Chan and and thanks for sharing your memories. We remember Tommy, Sei-Chan, Yuu-Chan, and Genji, and of course Da Beebs.

  8. Happy Belated Blogoversary, Tama-Chan and #1!
    What a milestone.

  9. Happy Blogaversary!

    So many years with some tears -
    So many miles with lots of smiles

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie! NAK and NAT say BONJOUR!

  10. Happy blogaversary even if it's a bit late!

  11. Happy Blogaversary to all of you! We haven't been with you from the start but have been reading about your adventures for a very long time. It's fun to have blogging friends from all over the globe.

  12. Tama-Chan, I am so glad to have found your blog just in the past year! I have missed so many of your family history and so I love you keeping reminders of your Angels. Here's to another 16!

  13. Such wonderful thankful and beautiful photos. We sure value your friendship!

  14. Happy Blogaversary. Our furamily has been with you through most of those years, hard to believe that. Yes, lots of tears, and lots of happy memories. We wish you many more years of blogging.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. Congratulations on your Blogoversary ! What a lot of special memories saved up and shared !

  16. Happy 16th blogoversary to you!! I've really enjoyed reading your blog over the years <3

  17. Congratulations on your sweet 16th blogoversary!

  18. Concatulations on 16 years blogging ! Happy blogoversary ! Purrs

  19. Charlee: "Happy blogoversary! Sixteen years, that is longer than any of us here have been alive!"
    Chaplin: "Well except for Mama and Dada of course. They're at least 100 I think."

  20. Happy Blogoversary! You have a very important job as keeper of the memories, Tama.


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