Saturday 13 July 2024

Stupendous Saturday!


Tama-Chan: #1 is finally back! I started purring the moment I heard the key turn in the lock and have not stopped since! Mr. G looked after us so well, as always, but it's different having our #1 back. 

As son as she arrived and started unpacking the car, the boys started sniffing around. Momo was the first to sniff the 'nip cigar she brought us!

Quickly followed by Ryū:

And Benny:

I did not join the fray. I know I shall get more than my fair share of the many goodies she brought us:

Momo was first again to check the stash!

#1 brought lots and lots of yummy food for Ollie!

Can you see that he even got a bone-shaped stuffie with his name on it? We also got some new dinner mats as the old ones were beginning to look a little shabby:

And Ollie got some new bowls and a little pony!

Here he is in the garden with #1 yesterday evening. The grass is so green, with all the rain we have been having!

We will return to our regular posting schedule from next Monday!


  1. Welcome home #1! She has certainly brought back lots of wonderful goodies for you.

  2. welcome home, I add that to the big welcome you got from our furbuddies... Ollie looks great in all that green...

  3. We are so happy that she's back and she brought lots of goodies for all of you!

  4. Yipee!!! So happy for all of you!!! We know you love Mr G and are very fortunate to have him. But how nice to see your #1 back in her spot! Enjoy :)))

  5. Yey! Celebration time. #1 must use a moving van to bring home so many goodies!

  6. Welcome home #1. You WERE missed!

  7. Nice that #1 brought, um...treats and stuff!

  8. What a SCORE!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - please send some of your rain this-a-way - we are miserably dry - in fact, our township just instituted a burn ban

  9. I'm so happy to hear that #1 got home safely and boy did she bring you all lots of goodies!

  10. Welcome back #1! You bring sunshine to my days. Linda

  11. We're so glad to hear #1 is home again. She sure does know how to shop for all of you.

  12. #1 iz always so good at bringing dee good stuff home

  13. Lulu: "Welcome home, #1"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, the only thing better than mom coming home is mom coming home with loot, sí?"

  14. Without a doubt #1 was thinking of the "left-behinders" the whole time she was gone - That's some great swag!! 🥰

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


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