Sunday 28 July 2024

Some Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends. I need to start this with a bit of an apology. #1 has been very preoccupied this week with a lot of work to finish up and also some external nastiness that has shocked her deeply. As a result, we have fewer snuggle shots than usual.

I, of course, have been providing comfort and support!

And I have to say that that t-h-u-g Benny has also been doing his part:

The two youngsters, Momo and Ryū are too busy chasing each other and having fun. Here is a pic of Momo with Ollie:

And here is one of Ryū-Chan with Momo:

Oh, and The Big V sent us this shot of himself hiding behind his buddy, Karlito!

We wish you a lovely and snuggly Sunday!


  1. Your snuggles are always great inspiration!
    We are sorry that your #1 has some nastiness to deal with :( Please be sure do give her some extra cuddles.

  2. We know the purrs, woofs, and neighs will help!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - enjoy your non wet day! We are headed back to ICKY hot

  3. Big V being a bit bashful. Keep #1 supported fur any problems. She'll luv the snuggles and purrs.

  4. Those were wonderful snuggle photos! Hey, tell #1 to ignore the nasties, they're just everywhere these days.

  5. You all are doing a great job snuggling with #1 and each other. We bet it helps #1 with her work and worries.

  6. I am sorry about the nastiness! Your snuggles will help #1

  7. Those are some good snuggles. I purr things get better for #1. ~Murphy

  8. We are sorry # 1 has extra nastiness to deal with on top of all the work she has, but we know how comforting a good kitty or doggy or horse snugle can be.

  9. We are glad you are all giving #1 such nice hugs. We can't imagine anyone having any reason to be nasty to that nice lady.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. As always, there is no need to apologize. Just keep those snuggles going.

  11. Oona: "What?! Nastiness? Unacceptable! Just point Oona at whoever is responsible and she will show them what a little ninja can do!"


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