Wednesday 31 July 2024

Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: yesterday, we went to see the horses, and my girls. It was already beginning to get pretty hot, so, unlike the usual scenes of mad playing pups, these are the pics that #1 got!

Lily and Leonie:

Me and Leonie:

Those terracotta tile floors stay pretty cool! It's going to be hot again today! #1 will be gone all day on a job, but Mr. G will be looking after us.


  1. we will look for terracotta tiles... it seems it will be another hot dog day...

  2. The tiles are perfect for a hot day! Stay as cool as you can.

  3. you all look so very hot. heat is draining. hope it cools down soon

  4. That is the only way to spend a hot day. I wish I could find some terracotta tiles to lay on, but then I probably wouldn't be able to get up again!

  5. I'll bet that cool floor feels really great Ollie!

  6. Oh, you cool relaxed and lovely in this summer heat. Needs no words....

  7. It's wise to lay on the cool tiles. We're lucky to have AC to keep us cool for our long hot summer.

  8. You all look a lot like us, cool tiles are a dog's best friend in this heat.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Lulu: "That's some nice lounging on the tiles. Sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to stay cool!"


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