Thursday 2 March 2023

The (Other) Boys on Thursday


#1 here. Since there was endless complaining from the other three boys that they did not get a spot on Monday's post, we decided that we would make it up to them today. So, without further ado...

Mister Benny!

Mister Ollie!

And Mister Vidock!

We are thankful for all of them!

PS: In other news, I am in Paris as planned snd had my cellphone stolen on a bus almost as soon as I arrived. Grrr.....Finances are really tight at the moment and this I did not need.


  1. Nice to see the other boys. I am sorry about the phone. Nothing is safe nowadays.

  2. It is so nice to see those OTHER handsome fellas!

    It so sucks for #1 that some UNhuman took her phone -

    We say we hope KARMA finds them - and more -

    Willow and Phyll
    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie!

  3. So sorry about the phone! Stay safe otherwises.

  4. Hiss at the person who stole your phone. We all should teleport and poop on his pillow!

  5. Happy Thursday to the"other" boys. Groan. Horrible to hear about the phone.

  6. So happy to see all of you today and so very unhappy to hear about the cell phone thief! When you get back home and have time give us a story of how it was stolen. Maybe someone will find it and return it. Not knowing the full story that may not be an option. I am so sorry because cell phones are so expensive

  7. Fellas, it's good to see you.
    Bummer about the stolen mobile; when my boss and his family last visited Paris, all of their electronics were stolen too, from their car.

  8. You boys look great today. We're so sorry to hear about your cellphone and hope you can get it replaced soon.

  9. Oooooooo! Love the boy shots ;)
    You all look so good :)
    So sad to hear the phone got stolen.
    Wishing bad karma on the thief!
    Purrs, Julie

  10. It's nice to see you sweet boys, all of you! Dang, that's terrible about your phone.

  11. Oh dear - we send purrayers to # 1 that her trip improves...

  12. Java Bean: "It's nice for the boys to get a turn in the spotlight! But, ayyy, not nice for somebody to steal your phone!"

  13. Its always terrific to see your boys!
    Virginia, Too bad about the phone. Some people are reprehensible. May the fleas of a 1000 camels infest their underwear.

  14. Nice to see you all...the ohers!
    Phooey and worse on that dd who stole your phone. What is with some peeps?
    Hope your #1 was able to get it locked out so that they can't steal all your secured data.


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