Tuesday 14 March 2023

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Greetings, Dear Friends! How have you all been? We are all doing well here at Poupounette Central. We've had quite a bit of rain and strong winds the past few days. It's nice to be cozy at home!

Mr. G caught me napping the other day!

#1 took this rather sweet shot of me and Ollie sitting companionably:

I have even been known to nap when you know who is around...

And #1 says that, sometimes, I am almost invisible when I nap on the alpaca throw!

I am determined to enjoy this week to the full as I have heard rumours that, next week, #1 will be gone for several days. More on that anon.


  1. oh we agree you are nearly invosible there... good place ;O)

  2. on no she is not leaving you again! tell her to hang onto the new phone. you have your very own pattern of camouflage. Ollie, we did know about your breed and the English army.. I bet you are a good sniffer also

  3. Road trip? I would spend lots of time with #1 too if I were you! Get all the snuggles abs scritches you can Tama!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Tama-Chan, you are hiding your tummy today; no reverse dangles!

  5. The Weather Babblers are prepping us for WIND today as well - using the 40 mph number!

    What great comfy shots!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie!

  6. We have had a lot of wind too. One night I had to shut the small bedroom window as the outside buffeting was so loud. You are getting very good sleeping close to Benny.

  7. I am dealing with a cold, white outside. Well, not really since I stay inside. But mum has to deal with it.

  8. You look quite content in all those pictures, Tama-Chan.

  9. You sure look like a cozy kitty sweetest Tama, and so darn pretty!

  10. Stay warm and cozy inside all of you, wind storms are no fun at all. We still have snow on the ground, and more coming again at the weekend. Phooey.
    Spring?? It is forgetting to arrive.


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