Friday 4 June 2021

Vidock, Violette & Co. Vendredi!


Hotesse: Ladylike Neighs, Everyone! It's been a while since we've had a post and #1 said I should host this one. I shall start with this one of me and my daughter Violette. We were waiting for our treat buckets.

#1 keeps telling me how beautiful I am. Do you think so?

Here is my beautiful daughter, Violette. You'll have to excuse me in that photo. I was busy with the salt lick.

Now here is my other daughter, Heloise, along with that boy, Vidock. I am told that he is far from a gentleman when there are treats to be had.

Even if I say so myself, I do think she turned our rather well, don't you?

I do think that boy is a tad spoiled, living with all those gorgeous girls...


  1. you all are super beautiful!!! and we love you... and if a weekend starts with horses it will be da best one, right?

  2. Ahhh, you horses are gorgeous! And of course Vidock is handsome! But of course!

  3. You are all beautiful and Vidock is handsome with his harem.

  4. Heloise, it is easy to see where your girls get their good looks! How fun that you are all together too :)
    Purrs, Julie

  5. You all look great and sure live a great life on the farm.

  6. Y'all really do look fabulous, really!

  7. What lovely ladies you all are!

  8. We think you are ALL beautiful. And no worries about that Vidock, it's nice to have a man around:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. WoW! Vidock does have a bevy of ladies. Heloise, you and your daughters are drop dead gorgeous!


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