Thursday 15 December 2022

Thankful Thursday


Momo-Chan: I told #1 that I wanted to blog today!

I am so very thankful to be in my home for this, my first ever Christmas. I have the best brothers in Benny and Ollie, and the best Queen in Mama-Tama. And #1 takes good care of all of us!

My bro, Benny, has a bit of a reputation for being naughty, and it's true that he climbed up the Christmas tree again yesterday. #1 was not happy at all!

I am trying hard to be a good boy, but I am not sure I will always succeed!


  1. it i time enough to be good when we have friday... enough days for mayhem ya!!!!

  2. Momo-Chan, you are very, very beautiful! We are so thankful that you are surrounded by so much love! xx

  3. You have a lovely home and family, Momo. Don't copy Benny climbing the tree though.

  4. Momo, the important part is to try...and look cute in the attempt!
    Purrs, Julie

  5. You getting marshmallow all over #1's wounded MacBook -

    Good plan!

    We are glad you have such a great place to share your khuteness!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - better work on keeping Benny under control!

  6. Hi Momo! Climbing the tree is fun, but I, Marv, do not like the new tree that our Peep got last year. I sit under the tree and look up but have not climbed it. The Peeps are happy, but I have been wrecking mayhem elsewhere in the the house. Last night I knocked a painting of Ninja onto the floor and broke the frame so I am in the dog house. Keep being awesome! Purrs Marv

  7. You are such a beautiful boy, Momo. Maybe #1 could try a trick we saw on another kitty blog (Brian's Home) and that is to put foil (the kind you use for cooking) down under the tree like a tree skirt. It seems to be working well for them to keep the cats away from their tree. Good luck.

  8. Well Mom, your handsomeness more than makes up for a wee bit of naughty!

  9. What can you do?
    Cats like to climb, and then there is a tree!

  10. Mew mew mew Momo yore so cute an gorgeeus an wee are sure Numburr 1 wuud undertand if you ended up inn THE tree...Treess sorta just call us rite???
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  11. Momo, you are a lucky kitty to have such a good home.


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