Thursday, 1 December 2022

Benny's Thankful Thursday


Benny: I am thankful for my little bro, Momo, Here we are, waiting for #1 to open the door to the cat run:

And I am thankful that Ollie has a big water bowl so I can play my favourite water games in it!


  1. Benny, you are doing what Eric did when he was trying to see how much water he could get across the kitchen floor. He never grew out of it!

  2. Pipo used to paw in the water dish, too! Do you drink the water off your paw, Benny, or do you lap it out of the dish? Pipo rarely lapped the water, preferring to drink the water clinging to his paw.

  3. There is nothing as much fun as a water bowl game. The two of you are so absolutely precious sitting together at melts the heart

  4. Ah yes....channeling your Inner NAK with the water bowl games!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - We also have 'the window chair' as one is at the window - and the other is the one Auntie Di would sit in when she was living here - and still sits in when she visits!

  5. You boys are both lucky to have each other to hang out with. We know Tama-Chan is thankful that you have a little brother to play with now, too.

  6. Oh Benny...leave that water bowl alone, you silly kitty.

  7. It is good that you have such a good pal Benny!!!
    Playing in the water bowl....ummmmmm!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  8. You two really are special pals, both are you are so handsome!

  9. Charlee: "Wait, what? Playing in water? That sounds like something Bean would do."
    Java Bean: "I sure would! Just let me at it!"


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