Thursday 2 June 2022

Thankful Thursday


Benny: I am thankful for the great new toy that #1 got me! It has three levels and three balls that spin around!

And we are thankful that #1 had a great time and is back from Paris! She says her eye surgeon is an idiot. She will return to see her regular ophthalmologist soon.


  1. Oh Oh...#1 is not happy about her eye situation?! Hope the other Doc can help better.

    That looks to be a great toy, Benny!

  2. That looks like a lot of fun, Benny! Sounds like #1 didn't have a good visit with her eye surgeon.

  3. How khool you've gotten a new try -
    And how NOT KHOOL to have an idiot trying to be in charge of #1's eyes -


  4. we have quite a few idots doctors here. Hope the other doc is closer to home. glad you got your new toy, looks like fun to me... thank you from Beau . he loved his French lesson

  5. Good grief!
    However, we are all our own advocates for our health, so if #1 isn't liking that doc, then toss him out and find one who is sympatico.

  6. A triple decker toy! What fun you will have with it, Benny. Sorry to hear #1 wasn't pleased with the eye surgeon.

  7. Have fun with that cool new toy Benny! Hey, tell #1 that her eye surgeon must have family over this way because our Mom's eye surgeon was an idiot too.

  8. What a fun toy, Benny! I wish I was there to play with it with you. ~Ernie

  9. That looks like a fun toy. Bummer about the eye surgeon. :-(


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