Monday, 30 November 2020

Manly Monday


Genji: Mee-YOW, Everyone, and welcome to Manly Monday when we boys strut our stuff and make you dream! We were worried that #1 wouldn't be able to do her job as official photographer properly, given how busy with work she is, but apparently there is a saying about when you want something done, ask a busy person! So, I shall kick off today with this rather frootbatty one:

We have been getting lots of nice sunpuddles lately:

#1 really liked the light in this one:

Vidock: Handsome Neighs, Everyfriend! Every self-respecting handsome lad has a drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend, right?

I gave my beautiful Aral a bit of a shock, though! When she last came to visit us, #1 wanted to shoot some Christmas pics and so she brought props. When she put mine on...

Aral did a double take!

Ollie: I did a Christmas shoot too!

# also took this nice shot of me. She says I am looking more and more like a grown-up boy!

I chased after the most amazing bird in the field yesterday. I wish I could fly! #1 says it's called an Egret, and we have two pairs around here!

We wish you a good week. It's December tomorrow!

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Welcome to our Snuggles on Sunday post! This week, we wil start with the horsies as we are pleased to have a full set of snuggles!

Here, for a start, is #1 with Mama Hotesse:

With Miss Heloise:

Miss Violette:

And The Big V!

I of course, have been very busy snuggling with #1:

Do you remember the old days when I would quite often not have any snuggle pics for the Sunday post? How times have changed!

But, as you know, there is a certain Blue Boy who tends to move in on me!

But I no longer always let him get away with it!

Sorry that this slightly askew but here is another morning scene with Ollie and Genji:

We wish you all a Very Snuggly Sunday!

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Souvenir Saturday for Sophie


Rainbow Sei: We once again have a different souvenir post today. You see, something happened last weekend. Sophie, Tommy's most favouritest sister, went to the Bridge after a short illness. Sophie and Tommy loved all the same things, and most particularly BALLS! It made #1 very sad that sweet Sophie is gone, and she thought it would be nice to put together a blog post for her.

Sophie came to Poupounette Central many times, and the last time was last year, after Ollie had joined the family. Just like Tommy, she looked lovely in the yellow flowers!

Here is a fun one of Tommy and Sophie at the beach:

And here is Sophie (R) with their other sister, Lydia, who went to the Bridge last year:

And one of when Tommy and Sophie went dining with #1, Ms. A and Mr. R to celebrate their birthday!

Playing ball, their favourite pastime:

By August 2019, Sophie's 12th birthday, Tommy was gone, but there was gambolling on the beach with Ollie!

Just as her brother, Tommy, was handsome, Sophie was very pretty!

# took this photo last August, when we celebrated Sophie's 13th birthday. It is the archetypal Sophie shot, running with a ball in her mouth. We have no doubt that Tommy and Lydia were waiting for her at the Bridge, each carrying at least two balls. 

Run free, sweet Sophie. You were much loved.


Friday, 27 November 2020

V & H Vendredi


Violette: Pretty Neighs, Everyone! It's been a while since we horsies posted. #1 has been visiting us every Thursday, and yesterday was a little bit special because we all got our hooficures! Ms. C was there too, as Hotesse and Heloise are not as used to it, and need some assistance.

He started with my sis, Heloise. This is only the second time she has been trimmed like that, and she is really good! Everyone was very proud of her!

Next up was our Mama, Hotesse. Now, I have to tell you that learning to give your feet and stand still for the farrier at the age of 25 is no easy task! Mama needed some help and some cajoling, but they got her done in the end!

I was third in line. I, of course, am an old hand at this, so no probs, right?

At the moment, we are just getting our hooves trimmed. No shoes. 

The Big V went last and he, of course, had to have his beloved standing right next to him...

I have to say that that boy is a little bit lazy. At one point, he was using Ms. C as a headrest!

So, we're all one for this year. Our next hooficure appointment is for early February!

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Thankful Thursday


Genji: #1 tells us that, today, on the other side of the big water, there is a big feast called Thanksgiving, and much turkey is eaten. I confess that we prefer chicken, and we're not getting turkey anyway (maybe we'll get chicken, though?). What we are, however, is thankful for all the good thing that life brings us, for being a family, and for #1 being so busy that she can't go out much!

We think it is important to be thankful each and every day!

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Wordless Wednesday


Keeping an eye on #1:

By the way, Queen Tama is in a major sulk. For the last couple of weeks, she has been getting less comments on her Tuesday posts than anyone else. Help! She is threatening to go on strike!

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: #1 is enjoying a slight slowing-down in her pace of work, but is expecting to be back up to 150% by the end of the week. Also, we will find out today whether we will have much of a relief from our lockdown by Christmas.

In the meantime, I remain busy with my own pastimes.

#1 said I should show you again just how green my eyes are: