Thursday, 6 August 2020

Thankful Thursday

Genji: The temperatures are edging up again and they're set to be really high at teh weekend. But for now, we are enjoying the sunpuddles at Poupounette Central!


  1. Enjoy those sun puddles. We still have rain, but it is supposed to improve from tomorrow.

  2. Hope you have places where you can stay cool.
    Purrs, Georgia and Julie

  3. Ssshhh...Sweetie is sitting in the windowsill RIGHT NOW, and I swear I can see heat waves coming off of her fur! Hot tamale!

  4. Maybe you'll be hunting for shady spots when it gets really hot!

  5. Looking very cute there, Genji. We like sunpuddles too but only when we find one INSIDE!!! It is getting hot and steamy here again too after several beautiful days.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. You found some great sun puddles.

  7. Happy Thankful Thursday!! We love seeing these excellent sun puddles photos with us. We hope you are enjoying the day. Thanks for sharing.
    World of Animals


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