Tuesday 3 December 2019

Tama-Chan Tuesday

Tama-Chan: The other day, I went up to #1 and told her her that it had been far too long since she had given me a proper brushing. so she immediately went to get the Zoom Groom.

That was very, very nice! As it has been getting colder, I thought I would try the comfy seating on the radiator in the living room.

I am not sure what I was doing with my tongue!

I have also been revisiting the hammock on the study radiator:

You remember how last week, we told you about the awful theft of the beautiful cat that was on my Beebs' tomb? #1 has been searching for something to put there and, so far, she has not found anything she likes enough. So, in the meantime, this is what she found:


  1. I bet the Zoom Groom felt awesome! I am still very sad that someone was mean enough to steal the kitty from Bibi's tomb. :-(

  2. We love the Zoom Groom too :)
    It is pawsome that you have lots of cozy spots around your home. They all look comfy and cozy.
    Bibi's grave marker is nice. We also think the thief is a mean person.
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  3. it's sad that people know no mercy when they have sticky fingers... btw: do you have still gas&diesel? all our gas stations are closed and the stores are empty, because the farmer blocked the gas depots... the community gave 5 liters to people in need so at least we can make it to the next stations when they are no longer out of order... what a mess ;o(

  4. That is a nice grave marker.
    You have lots of nice warm beds to choose from, Tama. When #1 is in England again she may be able to get a statue from a garden centre. That is where we got our stone cat that sits on our water feature.

  5. We bet sleeping on the radiators this time of year feels great. The new grave marker is nice but we still have our paws crossed that you get the original back soon.

  6. Tama-chan, I gave Da Boyz brushies this weekend; they don't appear to enjoy it quite as much as you do, but they didn't bite me either...so there's that! I like the metal cutout; it's a good marker until #1 comes across exactly what she wants.

  7. You sure do look happy now! Hey, we were reading each others blogs at the same time!

  8. Tama - there is a reason you are Queen Tama:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. So nice getting a good grooming. I haven't had one since mum broked her ankle. She likes to sit on the floor to do it, and well, she can't get down to the floor. Well, maybe she could get down, but then not get up.


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