Sunday, 31 March 2019

Snuggles on a Birthday Sunday!

Tama-Chan: Welcome to Snuggles on Sunday. Today, we start with Happy Birthday wishes to our blue boy, Genji, who is 8 years old! Here is one of his early snuggle shots with #1:

Over the years, he has remained the snuggliest of us Chans:

As you can see from this photo, he is even almost snuggling with Ollie!

Here is one of my Beebs snuggled into #1:

No snuggle pics of me this week, but here is one of me enjoying window whiffies with my Beebs:

That little Ollie is a real snuggling champ. He is allowed on #1's bed briefly first thing in the morning for snuggles, and he takes full advantage of the opportunity!

He also loves to snuggle with his friend Noelle:

This week, we are happy to have some very nice snuggle pics with the Vs! Let us start with Violette who had a lovely photo shoot with #1 a few days ago:

And then there was a great photo shoot with The Big V!

#1 really loves that photo and we hope you like it too!

Friday, 29 March 2019

Feline Friday

Da Genj: We are very late posting today. We had a real fright over the last couple of days as Da Beebs went off his food, and #1 was wondering if she would have to make "the call" but, this morning, Beebs stormed into the kitchen, demanding to be fed, and has eaten really well so far, so we are able to post in a better frame of mind!

Here is Da Beebs:

He did venture out into the cat run too!

I did as well:

As did Mama Tama:

And there have been window whiffies:

And lots of sunpuddles:

We are deeply thankful for such days.

We will not post tomorrow, but will be back on Sunday with an SoS post.

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Thursday With Ollie

Ollie: Mini-woofs, everyone! How is everyone? I am really well, and guess what? I shall be five months old on Saturday! #1 keeps saying that I am growing like a weed.

I have been doing all kinds of stuff with #1. On of my favourite things is going out to the restaurant! At the place where we ate a couple of nights ago, there were some really nice people at the table next to us, a bunch of guys, and they gave me some of their meat (after asking #1 first). It was yummy!

#1 says it's hard to take a good photo of me because (1) my head is al black and (2) I move too fast!

I love to explore and discover new things:

And play with my friend Noelle every chance I get!

And after a hard day, I snooze the evening away on my living room beddie, with a few of my toys:

And I thought I would update you on my brother, Da Beebs. He is hanging in there, enjoying window whiffies. He hasn't been eating as much as #1 would like, but he is lively, and his poop continues to get better by the day which, apparently, is the single best thing ever! Can you believe that?

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Tama-Chan Tuesday

Tama-Chan: Yep, it has been a real roller-coaster at this end, and we are all hanging on, and thankful for your support. #1 spoke to Dr. C yesterday and she was very pleased to hear that Beebs' "output" had improved. Consequently, she took him off a rather nasty medicine that #1 had to syringed down his throat twice a day and that made us all feel better! #1 has also tried feeding him the renal food that Sei-Chan used to eat and he seems to be liking it, which is a big relief. He was chirpier yesterday, and that made us all happier. Here is a shot of all of us:

I have been enjoying window whiffies when weather has permitted:

But also keeping an eye on everything:

As you well know, supervising is exhausting and, last night, I finally was able to relax and kick back a little...

Monday, 25 March 2019

Manly Monday

Beebs: Yep. It's me again. We wanted to apologise for not posting the last few days and also for not commenting. It has been a bit of a roller-coaster and we are not at all sure where I'm at at this stage. I am fine at times and not at others. I eat at times and not at others. #1 doesn't know if it is just me being a convalescent, or me heading for a relapse. So, do please continue to cross paws and send purrs, of you don't mind.

Here is a nice portrait of me that Mr. G took when I was still in hospital:

And one of me napping in my hammock yesterday:

Vidock: #1 came to see us at the weekend. It's always so great to see her! I am sorry we missed the snuggle post yesterday because I have a nice pic to share, so I shall share it today: Here I am snuggling with Ms. C!

And here I am with one of my girlfriends, Doupette:

Ollie: I have a question for you: why don't I also get a treat bucket when the big horsies get one? I don't think it's fair!

 I need to think about this seriously...

Genji: I'm keeping a low profile at the moment. #1 has too many other things to worry about.

Friday, 22 March 2019

Family Friday

Tama-Chan: My Beebs is home! And #1 too, so it is a real family Friday here. The photos are not the best but #1 did take some to share with all of you.

Beebs is on a very strict diet. No tinned food at all, just hypo-allergenic dry food plus half a chicken breast a day. He is not at all happy about that, but he has had issues with very loose stools and Dr. C is trying to get that under control.

Me and my boy enjoying window whiffies:

Trying to beg for yummy good with Da Genj...

All of us!

Thanks again and again for all your support during what has been a really tough time for us here at Poupounette Central. And kudos to da Beebs who fought like a lion to get through this crisis.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Thankful Thursday

Da Beebs: Guess what??? I am going home today, after 10 days in hospital! I am so excited! I am not yet out of the woods. Dr. C says we now have to wait and see how my liver works, and whether we can get rid of the renal issues that popped up as a result. But #1 was so worried that I would never come home, and it will be so great to welcome her home from England in purrson! She is returning today.

I would like to say a special thanks to Mr. G and Ms. N, as well as Ms. P, who came to see me regularly when #1 was away. Mr. G took some great photos of me yesterday.

Who are you?

Da Flying Beebs!


I know I am asking a lot but I hope you will be so kind as to continue to purr and cross paws for me, so I get better and better.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Tuesday Tidings from Da Beebs

Da Beebs: I just wanted to update you, as #1 is away in England. Ms. N and Mr. G came to see me yesterday and spent quite a bit of time giving me cuddles, and extra food. Dr. C has now taken me off the drip to see how I do without it. Paws crossed!

Here are a couple of photos taken by Mr. G:

Ms. P said she would come and see me today!

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: What a week this has been, yet again. # and I have been so worried about Beebs. I know I am not always pleasant to him, but he is my son, and I don't want to see him sick and contemplating leaving us well before his time. As I am sure you all know in times of trouble, snuggling is one of the best solutions.

I have been snuggling with #1:

This is a somewhat embarrassing photo, but here I am with my dear friend, Mr.G...

Over the last few days, #1 has gone to visit Beebs every day and spent quite a bit of time with him. There has been a whole lot of snuggling going on!

 This one is when #1 got in the cage with Beebs!

Our friend, Ms. P, has arrived from San Antonio, Texas, to take care of us when #1 is away. She took this fun pic of her and Genji:

And here is Ms. P herself with Genji:

Last Sunday, #1 and Ollie went to have lunch with some friends and the lady, Ms. V, rather fell in love with Ollie:

The Vs were also feeling pretty cuddly with week!



With #1 away, we will probably post intermittently over the next few days. We will of course post updates as we get them regarding Da Beebs. Mr.G and Ms. N are planning to go and see him on Monday, and Ms. P will go on Tuesday.