Thursday, 19 December 2013

Thankful Thursday

The Chans: We kitties are thankful for all the lovely sunpuddles and the times in the run we have had recently.

Tom: I am thankful for all the fun of running in the fields in the golden light.

Vidock: I am thankful to be our of jail and back in my field!

Violette: I am thankful for #1's visits and the great treat buckets I always gets after she grooms me!


  1. It's so good to know you all are gooooooooood : )
    Miss you all

  2. It's always nice to read what you're up to. We are thankful to have you as our friends.

  3. You all look lovely enjoying the sunshine. We have had torrential rain and gale force winds the last two days, but today I am thankful for the occasional glimpse of sun and no rain so far.

  4. those are good things to be thankful for :)

  5. It looks as though you have lovely sun today - we had sun too until mid afternoon and it is raining now. Vidock and Violette look happy outside in the sunshine and like you we have enjoyed seeing Mr. Sun today. Mum is trying to do catch up on all the blogs as we lost the internet for the best part of last week.
    Hope the Christmas Stockings are hung up ready for Father Christmas.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. We had sun puddles this week, but not today - it's raining! But it's been dry out here, so we are pretty thankful for that too.

  7. You look so happy in your sun puddles.

  8. This is the bestest day of the week!

  9. Vous faites comme moi ... vous jouez à chat perché. C'est le plus intéressant des jeux pour un chat. Et si en plus il y a le soleil... le paradis.
    Ici il n'avait pas plut depuis le mois dernier et bien aujourd'hui il n'a pas arrêté de pleuvoir de toute la journée. Et il parait que demain idem ! Je veux sortir !

  10. V's I apologize for missing several bloodies. xoxoxo You look solo beautiful and so do the Chans. Each one.

  11. you kitties have the most best ever outdoor cattery...pawsome!


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