Sunday 15 December 2013

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: I am glad to report that we are all still sane over here, most especially #1 who seems to have relaxed a bit. Yesterday, she got a bunch of packages mailed, did some needed shopping, wrote a few cards, put the tree in place, put the lights on it, and put the very first decoration on. The first one is traditionally Tommy's, as he is the senior member of the Poupounette Gang. He always goes right near the top of the tree! Full decoration of the tree will take place this afternoon.

As everyone knows, snuggles, both in the seeing and experiencing, make the blood pressure go down. I have of course been snuggling with Tommy:

As has Sei-Chan:

Genji has been glued to #1, as usual:

And My Beebs spends  every night snuggled up against her in bed:

We don't have any snuggle pics with Vidock this week but are happy to report that he is out of jail. More on that in tomorrow's Manly post. We do, however, have two great snuggle pics of #1 with Violette!

Wishing you all a very Snuggly Sunday!


  1. I just want to say, the office I share with my human has even more stuff in it than yours does!

  2. Great pictures especially of Violette. You kitties sure do take good care of #1. Hope all of you have a super day.

  3. This was a very good report Tama. We are glad YOU are on top of things as usual.

  4. you all look so cozy that you are making me want to snuggle too!

  5. La meilleure activité pour le Dimanche ... et tous les autres jours c'est de faire des câlins et des siestes. Vous avez tous super raison.
    Plein de ronrons.

  6. I love seeing you all snuggle! Have a good week!

  7. We are happy everyone is enjoying snuggles!! Best way to spend a day!!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure,Tiger and JJ

  8. Happy Snuggly Sunday to you!

    Lily, WA, USA

  9. gleam as though you were polished! I love that shine of health and happiness. Genji...#1 loves you just as much as you love her! Violette..your face is snow white and beautiful.

  10. We had lots of snuggles to day too.

  11. Our mum went to a cat show today and there were many Aby's to see . We might be prejudiced, but we think your faces are so much lovlier. Only a very few kitties were blues. You are very special Genji.

  12. Those are all great and Mommy 'SPECIALLY likes #1 giving Miss V a smooch!

  13. Snugglez are da bery best fer Hu'manz n 4 leggedz alike :)
    Violette ya iz lookin pawsum wif yer bin snugglin Mum alot here as she doez boggies fer me n answerz emailz...den we haz nite snugglez n mornin snugglez....dere iz alwayz time fer snugglez...
    Lub to all of ya frum us here xoxoxoxoxo


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