Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Wow on Wednesday

: Hello everyone. Gen-Chan here! #1 says thank you for all the kind comments yesterday. I spent all day giving her cuddles and so she feels much better!

With a little help from Truffle and Brulee, we finally found out who sent our Secret Paws. It's The Big Fat Ginger Cat!!!! He has a very fun blog, here. Thanks, BFGC, for a bumper crop of goodies for us kitties!

But that is not all! This year, we were inspired by our friend Khyra to take part also in Projekt Wichteln which is a gift exchange organised by our friend Sally who lives in the south of France. And our package arrived yesterday. We scored BIG TIME! Firstly, the package came from ITALY! Isn't that super cool? It was from a beautiful Briard called RAIN and it was a huge box! We opened the box but we promise not to open the actual gifts until Christmas.

Here I am, with Tommy and the box:

We opened it and look!

# says the candy is for her, but there was a package for Tommy:

A big one for us kitties:

And there was even a package for Vidock!!!

We can't wait to open everything on Christmas Day but, in the meantime, a HUGE thanks to Rain and her family!


  1. I am really happy that the gift arrived in time!
    I am really happy to have met you and your beautiful blog.
    Merry Christmas from Italy
    Rain and Gian Enrica

  2. We hadn't heard of your secret paws blog so mum says we can go over and take a look when we've had our naps. How lovely that Vidock and Tommy were included with a gift.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Oh we are purring like crazy seeing that Vidock and Tommy got their own kitties do get all the attention!

  4. Good to hear # 1 is ok! You kittehz, Tommy, and Vidock scored big time. We do hope we get to see efurryone wif their gifts. We can hardly wait fur Christmas! xoxo

  5. OH! I am enchanted that Vidock and Tommy as well as the itties got presents. BIG BIG smile here.

    xoxoxox Mom Carole

  6. Even one for Vidock? How thoughtful of them! Mom says she would not know how to shop for a horsie.

    We love reading the tags in French. I don't think Santa is going to be able to fit any more presents in your house!

  7. How exciting! I can't wait to see what all those presents are!

  8. you are going to have so much fun at Christmas with all the goodies.. Enjoy.. Hugs GJ xx

  9. What wonderful gifts you all got from your pals in Italy!


    - Clive and Murray

  10. Wow, that is just wonderful - Rain is pawesome to be so generous. Hugs to #1, that has to be a very unnerving experience.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  11. Glad you figured out your Secret Paw and neat that you did another exchange and Tommy and Vidock got something.

  12. That sure looks like a great box to receive. Can't wait to see what is under all that wrapping paper. :)


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