Sunday 4 December 2011


On this, the 4th Day of December of the year two thousand and eleven, The Beebster is celebrating his Second Beebsday!!!!!

Do you wonder, Dear Friends, why we are making such a big deal of this birthday? There is a reason. You see, The Beebs is the first Poupounette boy to make it to his second birthday! We lost Sen-Chan at 18 months and Yuu-Chan at 15 months, so it fills our hearts with utter joy to say that The Beebs is TWO!!!!

Those of you who have known us for a while know that the Beebs is our very own home boy. He was born by Caesarian at the vet's, but came home when he was about 5 hours old and has been with us ever since, nurtured by his mama Tama, his aunt Sei-Chan and his woofie bro, Tommy.

Here is Mama Tama and her babies at one day old:

She was such a wonderful mother!

The Beebs at 3 weeks:

With Mama Tama at almost 4 weeks:

Now the Beebs was supposed to leave, just like his three siblings, and go to a forever home elsewhere, but he had decided otherwise. From about 4 weeks, he ran a concerted campaign to make it impossible for #1 to give him up, and he succeeded!

Bibi at one month:

Hanging with #1:

And so The Beebs stayed and became a full member of The Poupounette Gang.

And he grew and grew... Here he is at almost 7 months:

At 10 months:

Still looking like a kitten at a year old!

At 18 months:

At 20 months:

And NOW! All dressed-up for his party!

Just to remind you that The Beebs' full name is EBISU, one of the Seven Lucky Gods of Japan, representing luck and prosperity. Bibi has two brothers Eifuku (Fuku-Chan) and Echigo (Gogo-Chan) and one sister, Ehime (Hime-Chan). We have lost touch with them, sadly, but wish them a Happy Birthday too.

The Beebs has some huge fans among those who know him personally, probably because he has such a sunny personality. He loves people and is always there to meet and greet. One friend has described him as "The (young) Robert Redford of the Abyssinian world" for his utter charm. He is very vocal, always trying to entice treats out of #1, and sleeps at night under the covers, right by her. He adores Tommy and "nursed" on him for a long time after Tama-Chan would whap him if he came close! In short, he is our shining star!

In celebration of this birthday, we will be making a donation to our friend Chrystal's private rescue, and the more comments there are, the bigger the donation will be! We will also draw the names of those who leave comments for a little prize consisting of the official 2011 Poupounette Desk Calendar plus some toys and treats. We will gladly ship worldwide!


  1. Happy Birthday, Bibi-chan!!! We are so happy that we got to see you grow up into the handsome man cat you are today. We hope that you can teach our new boy some of your more charming habits.

    Much love and purrs and admiration,
    9, Chani, Sheamus Popoki and Marlene

  2. Lady Catherine Bastet4 December 2011 at 11:00

    Happy Happy Birthday Bibi-Chan!!! I first came to know you and your family when you were a tiny kitten, and have loved you all ever since.
    Wishing you many more happy birthdays, purrs and headbumps, Katie

  3. Happy Bibi Day! You know you are Teddy's hero, right? And did you know that you share a birthday with my mum?

  4. What a wonderful celebration there will be at Poupounette HQ today! Happy Birthday beautiful Bibi (and to your biological siblings wherever they are). We love yoo tons little guy! PURRS.

  5. Paljon onneaa. HyvÀÀ syntymÀpÀivÀÀ! Bibi, enjoy the pleasure sof your second birthday, you little whipper-snapper! We are delighted for you, and for #1 as she has clearly been very anxious because of Those Who Have Gone Before.
    We hope you have an ace birthday and Genji lets you play with all your toys.

  6. Hap-Pei Birthday Bibi-Chan!
    Nose kisses to everyone!


  7. Happy, happy 2nd birthday to you, Bibi-Chan! I hope you have an extra-special day and get lots of hugs and kisses and treats and toys.

  8. Beebs, you are a completely handsome and obviously extremely smart boy because you chose #1 and her home to stay in. As one of my friends who lurks on this blog says, if she comes back as a cat, she wants to be a cat in #1's home!

    Happy Birthday, lovely one!

  9. Happy Birthday to the Beebs! We see that you haf always been a handsum boy wif adorable little pawpads! Concatulations!

  10. Happy Second Birthday to you, Bibi-Chan!! We adore all the lovely photos of you as a baby and growing up! Many, many more years of health, happiness and of course handsome-ness to you!!

    purrs from all the gang here,


  11. Happy Birthday, Ebisu-chan! Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu!

  12. おèȘ•ç”Ÿæ—„おめでべう!
    Happy birthday, Ebisu-chan!
    You're a lucky boy, and a bearer of joy.
    Hope you have a happy day and a great year.

  13. Happy Happy Birthday to you Bibi-Chan. You are such a special boy, we sure hope you have a special day. And how terrific for #1 to donate money to Chrystal's rescue. That is so great. Hope you get tons of extra treats today Bibi-Chan.

  14. Happy 2nd Birthday Bibi you beautiful boy!!!! We know you will have a wonderful celebration with your loving family :-)

  15. Bibi, you are a very very beautiful and handsome Aby cat. We understand why #1 is celebrating even more that you have the chance to celebrate being 2, whereas Sen-Chan and Yuu-Chan did not.

    We especially feel very squee-ish looking at those kitten pictures.

  16. Yay, yay, yay! Happiest Birthday, Beebster! You are looking great with your celebration outfit. We wish you all the best on your special day!
    Purrs and nosekissies,
    Siena & Chilli

  17. Happy Birthday sweet Bibi - you have such a cute face and we know many lady cats (including us) think you are one of the most handsome young mancats on the CB.
    Have a wonderful day filled with love.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  18. Happy Beebsday! We loved seeing your baby pictures. You were such a precious kitten and have grown to be such a handsome mancat. We hope you have a wonderful day.

  19. I absolutely love the 'best bib and tucker'. Bibi is such a fabulous cat. I hope he goes on and on being the king of the house.
    Very Happy Birthday you handsome boy. xxx

  20. Alex & Emily and the others4 December 2011 at 16:47

    Somehow messed up the name bit so Anonymous is actually us, Happy Birthday again wonderful boy!

  21. Happy Birthday Bibi-Chan!
    MRK and Mr.White in America.

  22. Happy Birthday Handsome! I hope they have a huge pawty for you.

  23. Happy 2nd Birthday Bibi-Chan!!!!
    We are happy that you decided to stay with your Mama Cat and #1 :)
    We loved all your pictures and agree that you are now a mighty fine looking Mancat!!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!

    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  24. Happy Birthday you handsome man-cat!! I also got to know your family when you were born. It's hard to believe its been 2 years. You have become an elegant lovely boy. Here's wishing you and all of those at Poupounette Central a great day celebrating your birthday.

  25. Happiest of days, Darling Bibi-Chan. We love you and the health and happiness you represent, and hope your life is long and filled with love and sunshine. Kisses to you all.

  26. Happy birthday Bibi-Chan! May you get oodles of attention from #1 and the rest of your family today.

    PestoCat and staff

  27. Happy happy happy 2nd birthday, Bibi-chan!!! These baby photos are so adorable - I can not stop smiling! Have a wonderful birthday!

  28. Happy HAPPY Birthday, wonderful Bibi! What fun to see your kitten pictures again, we see exactly why #1 could never let you leave.
    Your Bib & Tucker are quite elegant, and we bet you got some other fun things too!

    Enjoy your day, we love you!

    The Lounge Kats & Mommy Trish

  29. Happy Birthday Bibi! What a treat to get to see your baby pix! You are such a handsome young mancat, and its so nice to hear your purrsonality is just as beautiful. We wish you the best of everything! (Just by coincidence, the mom was looking at Fuku-Chan comics last night on the web.)

  30. Happy Birthday to the Beebs!!! And we hope you have lots more to come. We love ALL your photos but our favorite is that one month shot - no wonder #1 couldn't part with you. Have a great day and a spectacular year,Bibi.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  31. OMC, our mom is melting from these photos! Happy birthday Bibi and many many more! Puurs from our four man cats.

  32. Bibi, I am SO sorry I'm late for the party, but it took a load of effort to get my human to let me on the MacBook! Happy, happy birthday and I'm so glad you are part of my international family of feline friends!

  33. Happy birthday beautiful boy!!! It's nice to meet you, and on such a special day too!
    Kisses and Tail Wags,
    Dachshund Nola

  34. How very sweet! I loves the kittehs. :) Happy Birfdee!!

  35. Happy Birthday sweet, sweet Bibi! We are so happy you have made it to your second birthday and we know you will live a long and happy life, loved by yor servant of choice, #1! We love you and your family and are happy to have made your acquaintance in spite of the ocean that separates us and being far , far away :)

    your friends,
    Issa, Duffy, Mitalee, Esme, Malou, Levon and the foster cats, Tulip and Leo,aka the critters in The Cottage XOXOXO

  36. What a wonderful day to celebrate. Happee Birthday BiBi Chan
    Benny & Lily

  37. Happy Bibi-Bat Day ;-)

    Here's TWO many many more!

    Woo are so handsome I even find myself thinking an Abby would be a special addition to my pakhk -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Tommy! Wait until woo see the special dedikhation fur Sunday's transport leg -

  38. Happy Birthday Bibi!!!

    What a very special birthday it is! Sending you lots of love.

    Those photos of you are beyond precious!

  39. Happy Birthday Bibi-Chan!

    What fabulous photos.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  40. Happy Birthday! we wish you all the best and I love your photos, your so photogenic and lovely!


    It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

  41. Belated happy happy two. This is, most certainly, a VERY significant birthday. We're so happy that you're two and a Poupounette gangster!

    Lizzie & 3 kitties

  42. Belated greetings and what a an adorable kitten you were. ~It's no surprise to know that the wonderful Tama-Chan was an excellent mother.


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