Wednesday 27 August 2008

Thanks, TEXAS!

Sen-Chan: A big thank you to TEXAS for sending a wonderful award our way. We (that includes Tom) are very touched that he thought of us.

We are supposed to pass on the award to someone in another country whom we don't know all that well yet, so we would like to pass it on to Chance. In addition, we would like to pass it on to Goldie and Shade at Sumac Stories, our neighbour buddies at ABSharpeii, and to Angus Mhor. Thanks one and all for being our buddies!


  1. Dennis sends his congratulations, and Shade is a good choice too!

  2. We sure are glad to be your friends too!


  3. Hi Sen-Chan and Tom!

    I'm Scottie from Malaysia...nice to meet you! Congrats on getting the gold card!

    Love your blog's layout! Will be checking back soon...=)


  4. Tom, save some money on that card for Vegas!

    Are you back from the vet yet?

    Your pals,

    Petey and Mica

  5. Congrats on your award and we are sooooo excited that you passed it on to us!!

    We are very honored and we love being your friends!

    Purrs Goldie and Shade

  6. Wow, Congratulations! You can buy lots of toys and treats now!

  7. Oh I hope you have lots of fun playing with your new charge card, goodness knows how much catnip you can now afford! Not to mention the yummy food... ;)

    Purrs & kitty kisses,

  8. Wow, thank yoo soo furry much fur da awardie! I will mayk Mommie postie it rite away. I iz furry happies dat we arr friends.


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