Thursday 3 October 2024

Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday


Ollie: As #1 sets out again, I have been reflecting on this crazy summer we have had. The weather has been strange. #1 has been gone more than she has been here. We realise how lucky we are to have Mr. G who has made sure that we were well looked after every single day. Thank you, Mr. G!

Now, before I forget, I also want to say thank you to #1 who got me a great new food bowl!

And everyone at Poupounette Central is so thankful whenever we see our Queen Tama enjoying her food!

I am thankful for the simple pleasure of hanging out with my kitty bros, Momo and Benny.

And we are all thankful that little Ryū still has the occasional quiet moment when he is busy beautifying himself!

OK, you know the drill. We will not post until after #1 gets back on Monday evening! See you next week!

Wednesday 2 October 2024

White Wednesday


Momo-Chan: Did you guess that I would be hosting today? I bet you did! We have all been worried about #1 being still not 100% and of course about Queen Tama. We are doing our best to be kind to one another.

As you know, I love hanging with my bro, Ollie:

And I love sleeping on the window hammock (like my dangle?).

Despite the occasional interruptions by a certain little Dragon...

When #1 was away last weekend, she stayed with her good friend, Ms. D who has a woofie, Flora (aka FloFlo), and three cats, Marnie, Willow (Wills), and Mungo.

This is Marnie. She is a beautiful 18-year old Tortie!

This is Mungo who slept with #1 every single night! 

And here you can see FloFlo on the left, and Marnie's head just behind her, Wills on the counter, and Mungo on a chair on the right. It's such a lovely place for #1 to stay!

FloFlo is also an excellent snuggler!

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends. Remember us? We've been more MIA then present for so long now... #1 came back Sunday evening but, believe it or not, her ear is still not right, so she is starting yet another round of antibiotics. And she will be packing her bags again on Thursday as she heads out for the last commitment of this frantic period she has been having. This time, she will be gone until the following Monday, after which she has promised to stay home!

As for me, I am holding my own but will be going to see Dr. C tomorrow for a check-up. I will probably have another ultrasound to see how things have evolved, and Dr. C will then decide on a plan of action for the longer term. Could I ask for some purrs on my behalf? We will update later, after we have returned.

Update: Not a whole lot to report. I am holding my own and will continue to take prednisone and milk thistle. #1 has ordered a bunch of new foods for me as I am supposed to eat high-protein/low fat. Dr. C said the best thing would be home-cooked meals so, once she's back from this one last weekend away, she will start preparing me fresh chicken daily! Dr. C said it would be OK for me to get Churu treats too! When #1 broached the subject of a timeline, Dr. C said that it could be a year but it could also be much less. We'll see how we go but #1 has promised me that she will do everything to make every single day special. Thank you for all your love and purrs. I am a lucky girl in so many ways.