Tuesday 17 October 2023

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends! Well, it has finally gotten colder. We lost 10 degrees (Celsius ones) overnight a couple of days ago, and we are all trying to get used to the new normal. It should get a bit warmer for a few days from tomorrow, but there will also be rain.

We have a quiet week planned at Poupounette Central, although I would like to ask for a few purrs for our little Dragon. #1 is taking him to Dr. C's late afternoon and he will get his neuter surgery first thing on Wednesday morning. He does make me laugh as he hisses almost more loudly than I do at Benny! He will swat at Benny and when Benny comes after him, he hisses up a storm! I like him!

I would like to kick off with a couple of nice pics that #1 took and that show that I remain assiduous in my training. First off is a four-paw dangle accompanied by a tail dangle!

And more of a classic... a single leg dangle:

As always, I help #1 with her work, although little Dragon is keen to do that too!

In fact, he is around me quite a lot!

I shall close with this nice photo taken by Mr. G:


  1. all fingers are crossed for the little one... we hope it goes smooth. it's cold here too at night, but they say we will get 20 today... a temperature roller coaster...

  2. lots of POTP coming your way, Little Dragon. we lost 18 degrees overnight. today is the first day of a week long cool off, we are loving it. not cold, just right. we are at 60 degrees right now going to 76 which is perfect. keep warm and keep up the precious dangles

  3. Dear Ryu, do have a good and fast recovery. You will be playing with the rest quickly. Thank you Tama-Chan fur letting us know. And you definitely rule the dangles.

  4. All great pics but we love the one with The DragonKid on the sofa above you -

    Paws khrossed for all to go well with the snipping -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - the temps are sooo nice - and we are continuing to keep the heat in the OFF position

  5. You continue to be lovely, Tama-Chan.
    Purrs for the little one.

  6. You are looking great today, Tama-Chan. We have our paws crossed for Ryu-Chan today.

  7. Purrs to Ryu-chan for his bit removal tomorrow. You will be fine, the rest of us have survived this.

    Tama as usual your dangles are purrfect.

  8. Those are all such terrific photos! We all send tons of prayers for the little dude.

  9. Tama! WHAT a pleasure seeing those pawrific dangles and the two of you. XXXX

  10. We send purrayers and POTP to the Little Dragon that his surgery goes well and he is soon safely home,

  11. Hope Little Dragon gets through his 'spa' visit without incident.

    You sure got the dangle talents, Tama!

  12. You are quite the excellent dangler, Tama-Chan. Purrs that all go well with Ryu-Chan.

  13. Sending prayers and good thoughts for your operation.

  14. Charlee: "What a great bed! You can sprawl! You can curl up! It's perfect!"
    Chaplin: "Good luck with your surgery, Ryu-Chan! We will be purring for you!"

  15. Tama Chan you are THE Queen of Dangellss!! Wee send POTP to Ryu fore a guud surgery.....
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess))) BellaSita Mum


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