Monday 2 October 2023

Manly Monday


Ollie: Woofs, everyone. It is apparently my turn to host Manly Monday. I have a couple of pics from yesterday. I went with #1 and our guest, Ms. J, for a walk in the woods,. The weather was amazing and I had a lot of fun!

Here I am with Ms. J!

And here are the three kitty boys, Momo, Ryū and Benny:

Wishing you all a good week!


  1. That looks a lovely place to go for a walk, Ollie.

  2. looks like a most beautiful day to be on the trail.. and home for snuggles with the kittens

  3. You boys are all looking great this week!

  4. You handsome dudes and the rest of your furmily are all wished a great week as well!

  5. You boys are all looking fabulous and the photos are all terrific!

  6. What speck-taculur weather fore a walk inn THE woodss Ollie!!! An Momo, Ryu an Benny youss' all look supurr hansum today!
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  7. The pictures with the sun slanting through the tress are stunning


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