Monday 23 October 2023

Manly Monday


Momo-Chan: Soft Meows, Friends! #1 said that as I am coming out of my shell more and more, I should host today's post. She thinks the best thing for me was the arrival of my little brother, Ryū, and I agree with her.

I'll start with a couple of shots of me. As you can see, I am even beginning to help #1 with her work!

Benny: Here are a couple of me. I am sorry I keep chasing Queen Tama, #1. I can't help it. And when I chase Baby Ryū, he growls and hisses something fierce. Is it something to do with being Abyssinians, do you think?

Ryū-Chan: I like to hang out with Queen Tama! She's nice!

Ollie: I vote for peace on earth!

The Big V sent us this shot of himself all ready to go to work. Don't you think he's looking rather smart?

Have a great week, friends!


  1. Hello you menfolk! Loved seeing you all today! Woofs and aroos from us to you all!

  2. aaah what a wonderful photo colection of da boys...

  3. Humans could take a lesson from you all on getting along in spite of differences!!

  4. all of you are so beautiful and sweeand yes the big V looks wonderful.

  5. Peace on earth is a must, why is it so hard for people to embrace. Momo you are a floofy cuties. And we love seeing V.

  6. Ollie, with those young kits I don't think calm and quiet will be there for a good while! MOL!
    Purrs, Julie

  7. Y'all sure do look totally fabulous and the big V. looks like his job agrees with him!

  8. You boys are all looking great today!

  9. Vidock lookss amazin Numburr must bee so proud of him! An Momo you ARE comin outta yore more 'turtle' fore you!!!! An Ryu wee happy you are there! Tama Chan iss a wunderful lady cat so wee not sirprized you like her so much! Benny yore furry hansum....
    Happy Monday to all of youss'!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

  10. What a nice collection of studly pictures!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - The Great Negotiator eh!

  11. Charlee: "That's some top notch helping, Momo-Chan! I help my Dada a lot too by sprawling in front of his computer and draping my tail over his keyboard."
    Oona: "Oona also enjoys chasing the other cats around! Sure, they are bigger than Oona, but only on the outside."


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