Monday 9 October 2023

Manly Monday


Benny: This rather strange thing appeared on the bed the other day. I was very brave and manly and did not flinch!

Mentoring is an important part of being an older brother. I showed my little brother Ryū how to help #1 change the sheets on the bed:

Not that he needed much guidance!

Nothing quite like three brothers hanging out together on #1's bed (before the sheet change!):

A nice pic of Ollie courtesy of Mr. G:

And he got a nice shot of Momo too!

Wishing everyone a good week.


  1. you are very brave indeed.. a happy week to all ;O)

  2. You are all very good at bed making. Lovely manly photos of all of you.

  3. Momo is too comfy looking to be disturbed fur bed making. And Benny, you are teaching Ryu the right way to do the sheets. And it seems Ollie can not go to bed with out security toys.

  4. I'm sure you've purrrrrfect those turn down services!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - 80 is just about too warm for us - it was perfect here for sleeping last night - mid to upper 40's!

  5. Am sure #1 is so pleased with all of your help, guys.

  6. You boys are all looking great today. We see that Benny is hiding behind Ollie almost like a shadow. BOL!

  7. Great job! Hanging out with your sibs on the bed is so much fun! I do the same with my hooman bro!


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