Tuesday 4 July 2023

Words on Wednesday


#1 here. I have arrived safely at the Hartpury Festival of Dressage and, as suspected, I am working 12+ hour days, so have little time or energy for extra-curricular activities. Fortunately, photos have been coming in both from Mr. G and The Big V, so I have a few to share with you today.

Benny and Momo:



Queen Tama:

Ollie with yet another girlfriend:

The Big V at his latest wedding:

And, from me, here are a couple of photos from drives I went on in Hampshire with my Percheron friends, before coming up here:

Our apologies, once again, for the lack of commenting. We'll try to get back to them as soon as it's possible. And Happy Fourth of July to our American friends!


  1. we hope the time there is a super good one...

  2. It sounds like you will be super busy but I hope you have a lovely time. Lovely photos of everyone.

  3. Everyone looks so beautiful!!
    We hope #1 has a great time!!

  4. Awesome pics! All the furries are looking well, but I bet they miss you. Take care of yourself #1, it looks like you are very busy.

  5. Mr. G is doing great work with photos for you. Have fun doing 12 hours a day work, lol.

  6. Love the butt shots of your ride and the face shots of the wedding run.. Tama always looks so intelligent, she looks like she understands what you are doing an poses purrfectly.. great shots of all you sweeties

  7. WooHoo! Ollie - ever The BabeMagnet!

    Thanks for sharing the awesome pictures!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - still khrossing paws for WOOFIE WEDNESDAY!

  8. You all are looking great! We hope #1 has a fun and safe time at the competition.

  9. We have not been commenting much (because we have not been posting) but we could not resist the Big V's Wedding shots! You all look marvelous Darlings (and we are happy we got Mom to comment) Keep being awesome! Marvelous Marv and Mom

  10. Lulu: "Everyone is looking good and happy! I would love to lie on that cool tile floor!"

  11. Looking fabulous everyone! Don't worry about commenting, we totally understand. Have fun!

  12. Mee-yow Numburr #1 you sure are one busy Hu'man! So many lovelee Horsess! Momo an Benny you look so hansum an Queen Tama so reegal..... An Vidock yore amazin! Hope it iss not too *hot* where all of youss' are! Wee have a *heet* wave heer an it iss UCKY! Take care efurryone!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  13. Gorgeous photos! Despite your long work hours, I hope you can have some fun too.


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