Monday 24 July 2023

Manly Monday


Ollie: Yesterday, we had rain which #1 was very pleased about. It has remained cool for the season, which we are all pleased about! #1 took this nice photo of me in the garden:

We have left a big part of the garden wild and it is full of bees, butterflies and all sorts of bugs!

Momo: Summer or winter, I love my sky hammock!

Benny: I really like to sit at the kitchen window in the summer!

And guess who is going to be coming home this week?

Wishing you all a good week. Depending on where you are, stay cool/stay dry!


  1. good to see all of you looking so cute and handsome and HAPPY

  2. we have bad weather too... no sun just 50 shades of gray... have a super week at poupounette central...

  3. You all look so happy and relaxed. We had a cold front last night, but it is to end today and by Wed it will be in the 90's which is extra hot in our area. It will soon die down though.

  4. You are all looking handsome. It will be exciting to see the new family member this week. After last year's extreme temperatures we are mostly around 15-16 with the occasional warmer day and plenty of light rain.

  5. Eeps, look at the big ears on the kitten!

  6. The hots are coming later this week. Me and mum will be cool inside. Looking forward to meeting the newest Chan.

  7. You boys are all looking great, but we can't wait to meet your new sibling. What a cutie!

  8. Glad you are getting rain and staying warm instead of hot. Your boys look great.

  9. Y'all do look happy! Have fun when the newbie arrives!

  10. And all be be prepared to do The Newbie's bidding with THAT look -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - oh yes a nice shot of you - and we are glad your weather is being friendly!

  11. Such a lot of handsomeness here!!
    And Mr, he's a looker, too!!
    Lots of fun for least we hope so!


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