Friday 16 June 2023

V&H Vendredi


Violette: Pretty Neighs, Everyone! It's been a while, as all the focus has been on The Big V and his summer job. #1 is coming to visit us today, but I have a few nice photos from last week to share with you. At the moment, it's just me and my little sis, Heloise, in the field.

#1 says we're looking really pretty with our sleek summer coats.

Come on, #1! Hand over the carrots and apples. We know you've got them!

She always does of course.

In case you're wondering about The Big V, he is being tarted up endlessly as tomorrow, he will be doing his first wedding! There will be pics of him pulling the beautiful white coach, doubtless! In the meantime...


  1. you look fantabulous, we love your shiny furs...

  2. You all must make your #1 very proud!!

  3. love the tarting up of the big V and the views of your other precious Big Violette and Heloise

  4. Violette, you and Heloise are indeed looking great
    and very fit! Enjoy the attention and the treats!
    Vidock, you will be a star at the wedding because you look SO handsome! Have fundoing your important job!
    Purrs, Julie

  5. Yum!

    And I bet Le Grand Garcon will impress all at the wedding - what a special time -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - We are waiting on a bit of rain - as my #1 gets the human cobwebs off of her - then 'venture for cherries and lunch!

  6. The End! Nice to see the girls today.

  7. Here's hoping y'all got your snacks, and Vidock had better NOT drink any sparkling wine...

  8. Lulu: "You are looking sleek and glossy indeed! Oh and if you have any extra carrots, I would be happy to eat them for you ..."

  9. You two look wonderful and we hope we get to see some wedding photos!

  10. You both look lovely. Vidock is looking very handsome getting tarted up for the big day.

  11. You girls look like you are enjoying your time together without the Big V to hog all the treats. We can't wait to see how handsome he looks pulling that special carriage.


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