Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: Woofs, everyone! Ollie here!  First off, you may have noticed that we have finally updated our header. #1 had been meaning to do it for a while, but with one thing and another, it didn't happen. As happens every time we lose someone, we were deeply saddened to remove our beloved Hotesse from the header, but we also had the pleasure of adding our little Momo.

Yesterday, #1 and I went to see the horses and I got to spend time with my daughter, Lily, and my step-daughter, Leonie. With Noelle running off to the Bridge as she did, I feel that I need to step up to provide some wise parental guidance to Leonie. Imagine if the only guidance she got was from her big sister, Lily!!!

The little one is growing fast and she is cute as a button:

But boy she is a fierce little thing too! Here is a shot of the three of us wrestling. Leonie is little but she gives as good as she gets!

I am happy I can help look after her!


  1. we are sure you can tell er da best thiings and there is lots of dogwisdom to share ;O)

  2. Leonie is mighty cute Ollie.
    Good thing you are able to be around her and offer direction.
    Purrs, Julie

  3. My favorite day of the week! WOOFIE Wednesday!!

    Have some fun for me!!!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie!

  4. We love the new header but, of course, are sad to see Hotesse not there. You are doing a great job helping Leonie grow up to be a proper pup.

  5. Lulu: "It's important for puppies to have a mentor! Just like Bean has me!"
    Java Bean: "I'm street smart, Lulu, I don't need a mentor."
    Lulu: "Ah, but now you need to learn how to be house smart ..."

  6. Glad you could visit and be a helper Ollie. I am thinking now there are 3 dogs 3 horses and 3 cats

  7. Mad snapper just above me here took the words right away from me as I was thinking them as I read!

  8. Your header is very pretty and you're a good Papa Ollie, we're proud of you.

  9. I love the banner. Congratulations on stepping up to protect our parents. They are in good paws.


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