Sunday 10 November 2019

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: We are trying to get back into regular blogging, but #1 is still very tired and it has mostly been raining which has made proper indoor photography difficult.

As you can imagine, we have been doing lots of snuggling since #1 got home! I have been doing my bit with #1:

I have also been snuggling with young Ollie:

He is becoming a good snuggle buddy.

He and Da Genj have been snuggling with #1 in bed:

And Da Genj takes every opportunity he gets to pin down #1:

Last but not least, Mr. G came to visit us yesterday and he had a big snuggle with Ollie:



  1. Of course you've been snuggling! I get to snuggle with some elderly humans today.

  2. The first photo looks like you are checking that #1 still smells right, then in the second you are topping up your own scent on her to remind her that she is yours.

  3. Great pictures. Glad everyone is getting a snuggle. Have a good day.

  4. So much snuggling going on there in France, I do hope there's some time left for food and play time too? ;)
    Purrs for a great and non-rainy week to come

  5. No one can get too much snuggling!

  6. You all look so happy to have #1 back home and you sure have lots of snuggles to catch up on!

  7. That's a lot of wonderful sweet snuggles ! You do look happy to have #1 home, and we bet she's happy to be surrounded by the gang ! Purrs

  8. many snuggles will help your #1 we are sure. we had da flood here too, the rain was so icy that we thought we will get snow... but fortunately not LOL


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