Monday 30 September 2019

Manly Monday

Ollie: #1 got back at 11pm last night! I was so happy to see her! But I dd have a good weekend too!

Genji: It was really late when she got back! I was worried!

Vidock: #1 sent us a message that she saw hundreds of horses this weekend, but none were as beautiful as us!

 Have a great week, EveryFriend!


  1. ha we bet that there is no horse in da whole world is as beautiful as you!

  2. Sounds like you all were happy to see your #1 back home :)
    Vidock, you are indeed a most handsome guy!!
    Purrs,Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. It is always good to have #1 back with you.

  4. You boys are all looking good. We're glad to hear #1 is home now.

  5. There is nothing like having one's whole family together, even if it's for a short time.

  6. I bet all of you were glad #1 got back safely!

  7. Glad #1 got back safely even though it was very late :-) Vidock, of course you and Violette are the most beautiful horses!

  8. Of course you were happy to have #1 back home ! Violette and Vidock, you're the most beautiful to her ! Purrs

  9. I sure am glad the #1 is back home and we know you all are thrilled!

  10. We’re glad #1 is back...and you guys can get some snuggling with her.


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