Sunday 15 September 2019

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: I am very happy to say that #1 returned to us as scheduled around noon yesterday. As usual, she brought lots of goodies back with her. In fact, she is still unpacking! But I have been making it difficult for her...

As has Genji:

Little Ollie went crazy when he saw #1, but she didn't get any photos of that. Still, he did plenty of snuggling this past week with Mr. G and Ms. N!

There is even a picture of him snuggling with my cousin, Tora-Chan!

In just under 3 weeks, #1 will be heading to Japan for a long month, so we are planning to get full doses of snugging in before she leaves!


  1. You gotta soak it all up and get it while you can!

  2. Those are such a nice big bunch of happy snuggles!

  3. You guys sure have to cram all your snuggles in with all those visits. Still, I bet you get lots of goodies and treats as a result, in addition to the extra cuddles I can see you have been arranging :)
    Have a great and cuddle busy week.

  4. We're glad to hear #1 is home safe and sound. It sure looks like you all gave her a wonderful welcome home.

  5. That's a lot of happy snuggles ! Purrs

  6. You all look very happy to have #1 back again.

  7. A whole month! You do need to get in some quality snuggling!

  8. Aww glad you are getting tons of snuggling with #1! And yeah, you gotta get as much snuggles as you can before she travels to Japan :-)

  9. We’re glad #1 is home...and that she brought you goodies!

  10. Always wonderful to have your #1 come home and soak up some loves.

  11. It's always best when the whole family is together!


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