Wednesday 5 July 2017

Woofie Wednesday

Tommy: I thought I would tell you about my day yesterday. It started out normally enough with a morning romp in the fields:

We then went to the station where we picked up some visitors from Japan who wanted to see horses:

The not so good news is that the A/C which was supposedly fixed last week, suddenly stopped working again... 

We saw lots of horses bur we also met these guys. These are organic Limousin cattle raised by a friend of ours. They are very nosy!

Our visitors loved the horses but they also loved me, and were sad to say goodbye when we took them back to the train station:

It was a fun day. I am glad #1 took me along!


  1. oh that was a super day... to have guests is a great thing... and guests who love horsies and dogs are the best.

  2. What a cool excursion you got to be on, Tommy!

  3. We are sure your guests enjoyed your company too Tommy :)
    Looks like it was a fun day.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. Tommy darling! You look marvelous! The cattle make me miss Alberta and you look like you had a great time with your visitors,even though it was HOT!
    Love Barb

  5. It looked like a great day Tommy! You are very lovable so we are not surprised good-byes were made difficult :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

    P.S. Tommy,you may be interested by Wilhelmina dancing on our post today :)

  6. #1 is always so good to you, Tommy. We are sorry to hear about the a/c. Hopefully there was a nice breeze through the windows.

    Those cows may be nosy, but they sure are nice-looking - they look well cared for.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  7. Those cattle are beautiful! Sorry about the A/C...hope the mechanics can get that working again, pronto!

  8. I'm gald you got to have some fun with friends Tommy!

  9. Who wouldn't love you, dear Tommy. You 're the most wonderful dog. One look of your soft, sweet, soulful eyes and we all melt.
    Cars and their air conditioners...ugh! Wish the lovely ladies cart in last Sunday's post could be a reality,

  10. Tommy you are welcome most everywhere.

  11. It's so much fun to have visitors! (we're so sorry about the A/C - pooh!)

  12. Tommy how cool that you got to meet the visitors and go with #1. We hope the A/C is fixed soon.


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