Friday 28 July 2017

Feline Friday

Da Beebs: I am sure you have been missing us since you didn't get a manly Monday post this week! S, here we are , happy to bring a little extra feline fun to your Friday!

Let me start with a photos of "snacking" shots. We all get a big deal in the orning, and then we get a nice snack early afternoon.

By that time, we are all in different locations, and #1 feeds us wherever seems most suitable. Its what you night call a "moveable feast"!

Mama Tama gets her next to her siesta spot on the sofa:

Da Genj gets it next to his siesta spot, on the cat tree in the living room:

I get it on the kitchen table, like the civilised kitty I am!

And Sei-Chan gets it on the shelf above #1's desk chair, in the study:

 Here is a pic of Da Genj and I hanging at the kitchen window:

It's fun admiring the outside world with your bro!

By the way, #1 got some new pics of little Merlin. She says he is pretty cute. He met Tommy for the first time today.



  1. that's interesting that you have so much different restaurant ins your house... I would pick the desk ... I could have some pens and some papers for dessert ;o)

  2. How wonderful that you get your snack delivered to you :)
    Little Merlin is very cute.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. I wish my human would bring my snacks to me - I have to work for them always!

  4. Y'all look terrific and snacks are always a good thing!

  5. You're living in a five-stars restaurant, lucky you ! Nice picture of Merlin, he's growing up so quickly ! Purrs

  6. So how did we dogs miss out on all those great locations for the moveable feast??? Sheesh, we are always relegated to the floor.

    Merlin is very handsome.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  7. Perfect! Food and sun puddles
    Lily & Edward

  8. Of course we missed you! We look forward to your adventures each day. Our mum feeds us the same way! People laugh at her but it only maters to her if we are happy. Way to go mum!
    Merlin is precious kitty. Much happiness to him.

  9. Great photos. Little Merlin is adorable.

  10. Bonjour les chats,
    C'est vrai que c'est important un post félin !
    Vous avez de la chance, service "à domicile". Il va falloir que j'en parle avec mon humaine.
    C'est vrai que Merlin est très très mignon.


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