Thursday 6 July 2017

Thoughtfully Thankful Thursday

Da Beebs: Have you noticed how often we have been thankful for #1's return of late? Yes, she has been on the move rather a lot. Now, we sat her down to consult about the coming months and she did look rather sheepish. She says she is not going anywhere distant but she will probably be away quite a bit during August and September as there are quite a few people coming from japan on horsey business, and she needs to attend to them. She is trying to put everything in place so that we are well looked after, and humbly asked us to give her some leeway. Well, she is a pretty good #1 overall, so we will try to make do.

Tommy says that it's very important that there is someone round to play ball with him.

And we always make sure that #1 knows we love her...

Da Genj says the right attitude is "onward and upward"!



  1. Yup, humans do get busy at times, but we know they still love us. WE like that #1 arranges to have someone come in to care for you and play with Tommy :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. My human's boyfriend is away much of the time - #1 reminds us of him! But we are always glad to see him return... even though, unlike #1, he never brings us back anything.

  3. Our humans have been deserting us a lot lately too. We are use to Daddy being gone for work and youngest son for school & work, but it is no fair Mommy keeps running away. So far she has come back.

  4. We know #1 makes sure that you kitties and Tommy have good care while she travels. Hope they throw that ball for you Tommy. You all have a super day.

  5. Aww, a heart-shaped peeball! Go here: and see all kinds of 'art'!

  6. Some times little breaks from one another can make the heart grow fonder :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  7. That's love heart shape is Masterpiece!!!!
    Frame it !

  8. Ce n'est pas facile, mais vous n'avez pas le choix.
    Alors il faut faire avec.
    Hisia et Loustiquette

  9. It's good you sat #1 down and talked. Communication is important especially when she is going to be away a lot :-) And good job with the heart! I know she feels a lot of love from you :-)

  10. We all think your #1 is pretty darn special!

  11. This is so sweet! We're so glad #1 and you have such a great relationship <3 <3 <3 <3

  12. You guys crack me up! A heart shaped litter clump! Aw! I am sure #1 appreciates that (and that you will not get too upset at her business!
    Love Barb


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