Sunday, 26 June 2016

Snuggles on Sunday

Tama-Chan: #1 says we should start this week's SoS post with this nice shot,  taken last week when she was away, of Genji snuggling with Mr. G's mum:

Isn't it sweet?

Next, we have a rather special one of Tommy and my Beeb. Just look at those paws:

We also have more classical pics, such as this one of Sei-Chan and Tommy:

 And this one shows me and my boy Beebs simultaneously snuggling with Tommy!

In this one, I am having a morning snuggle with #1:

And here is Da Genj having a late night snuggle with #1:

Once again, we don't have snuggle pics with the Vs, but #1 did take this sweet one of herself snuggling with Violette's Mama, Hôtesse:

#1 has been taking apples to Hôtesse and Wowie most mornings.


  1. I have to say, I am almost snuggled out after being at BlogPaws! Everybody wanted to hang out with me.

  2. WE love all the snuggles .
    The one with Genji and Mr G's mum is pretty cute!
    Hotesse is lovely :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. So many good snuggles this week! We love it.

  4. They are very sweet snugly pictures. Tommy and Da Beebs holding paws is adorable.

  5. Happy Snuggles on Sunday to all of you!!!

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  6. A great day of snuggles for all of you.

  7. Coucou Tama,
    Alors personne ne t'a délivré de ton noeud ...
    Tu es rigolote avec tes oreilles sur le côté. Ici on appelle ça un "chapeau chinois". Je ne sais pas pourquoi.
    Elle est super la photo de Genji. En plus le rouge va bien avec sa couleur !

  8. mes LOVES all the snuggles! Mes can't pick a favorite!
    Sending loads of kisses


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