Friday, 24 June 2016

Flowing Friday!

Da Beebs: We have a new item in our house. It's in the study and this is what it looks like:

Yes! It's a water fountain. It is made of ceramic and it is completely silent! I am proud to say that I am the only one so far who has availed himself of its fresh, delicious water output. The others have been looking at it askance.

And whilst I was at it, I decided to have a play session as well:

Da Genj took one lick of it and walked away to have a little nap on Tom's large bed. It has been very hot today:

The good news is that #1 weighed Genji today, for the first time in several weeks. He weighed in at a hefty  4kg (just under 9lb) and we are thrilled1 It is very important that he keeps his weight up to stay healthy!


  1. Gee Bibi, that is a neat fountain!
    Maybe the others will come around soon.
    Good to hear Genji has gained weight.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. Your new fountain looks ZEN !
    Let's me know you guy like it =^x^=

    Mom bought 2 fountains for me because in Thailand tap water is not clean enough to drink. All water must buy from store.
    I drink but it was too small for my head. Every time I drink I will make a mess on the laminate floor so mom has a rug underneath it... and then she bought one more difference style. But I don't like it because I have to lick the water pop from the middle. For a week untouched. So mom give to my cousins ( 3 of them ) and they like it.... Thank COD =^x^=

    Have a good weekend guys

    My new blog address : 

  3. We had that fountain when we lived in Munich! We loved it! Sadly, due to the electrical differences, it doesn't work here in Canada, and we've never found a fountain that we liked half as much as that one. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

  4. That's a great fountain - we love fresh water too. Great news on Genji!!! Keep up the good work.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  5. Such brave boys! Good for you, Beebs, for leading the way.
    Happy, happy day! Da Genj is 4kg! This is wonderful for him and wonderful for us to hear.
    (We're mad about that little boy!) Hugs and kisses for all!

  6. I love the water fountain, Da Beebs! You were the only brave one to try it out. I mean really drink from it.I think it's so cool! Da Genj was almost as brave as you. I'm so glad Da Genj is keeping his weight up. He looks very good and healthy! He thinks he's so big now that he would fit in Tommy's big bed! Well, Beebs... it's Friday! My daughter is in town and we're going to a cat convention tomorrow. I'm so excited! Have a fabulous Friday, guys!

  7. That really is a cool fountain. If ours quits I may ask for one like that!

  8. that fountain looks very interesting... glad Genji is doing so well

  9. That is a lovely fountain.
    Well done to Genji on getting to a good weight.

  10. Hi Friends,
    Thank you for your words of comfort when we lost Cookie, we miss him lots.

  11. I'm so glad Genji is holding a good weight! We love our water fountain here. In fact, we've been through several (the water in L.A. is very hard and is tough on these fountains).

  12. Bibi elle a l'air vraiment bien ta fontaine. C'est rare d'en voir une en céramique et il parait que souvent elles font du bruit.
    Vous avez de la chance d'en avoir une. Moi je suis obligée de mendier pour qu'on ouvre un robinet. J'aime boire de l'eau qui coule.
    Genji tu m'as l'air bien pensif. C'est vraiment bien que tu es regrossi. Avec l'été ce n'est pas facile de garder un bon poids. Moi ça me fait maigrir.
    Ronrons les garçons

  13. What a wonderful fountain ! We especially like the fact that it's made of ceramic. We're glad to hear that you're keeping a good weight, Genji. Purrs

  14. What a great fountain! And Ceramic is the bestest! Genji! Mes so furry happy that yous doing so well!
    Mes sends extra kisses


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