Wednesday, 10 February 2010

From ALL of us - For Max and His Mum

#1 here. Over the last couple of days, we have seen more and more of our blogging friends take the plunge and follow Caryl's example of posting photos of herself with her beloved Max. It is true that most of us stay out of our blogs as much as possible, but we were very taken with this idea here at The Poupounette and decided to follow suit. Now, as I am the one usually wielding the camera, photos of me with the gang are taken only intermittently when someone else is around and willing. Most of these photos are not that recent, but they are the best I can do.

I start with my own treasured little one who is no more. Sen-Chan went to the Bridge just over a year ago, aged only 18 months. This photo was taken on his first and only birthday:

And here I am with little Tama-Chan when she was only five weeks old. It was the first time we met!

Tommy is an incredibly wiggly boy and it's hard to get a still picture taken with him!

Sei-Chan doesn't really do laps or arms, so here is a photo of the two of us I took when she was still a small kitten:

Yuu-Chan, on the other hand, is a love-bug and always ready for a cuddle...

This marks the end of the human element interlude. We shall return to our scheduled programming tomorrow, by which time we hope to have our special guest here!


  1. Hey guys and #1!
    Thank you so much for doing that for us!...they are gorgeous pictures of you all! I just love these glimpses into the human-animal relationships. You guys are stars and it's clear that #1 delights in her loved ones.
    I was that a giraffe which Tom has in his mouth? Looks like it.
    Take care and lots of love to you. Thank you for a beautiful post.
    with love

  2. Ah, thanks for sharing the special photos with your mom!

  3. So nice to see #1 in person! And you are all sooo cute.

  4. Hi #1! What a lovely idea:) We think there is a lot of love in your home.

  5. They are lovely and yes we must take more picures with the dear pets we love and who love us so much.. We have a saying here, it is " you never know what is round the corner" How true.. Hugs GJ x

  6. These are all very happy photos of #1 with her kitties. It is interesting the Sei-Chan is not a big people cuddler, yet she snuggles so much with Tommy.

  7. Oh! We really enjoyed your bloggie today! Great to finally meet #1!

    Tommy is very wiggly isn't he?

  8. Awwww...these are beautiful! Lots of love and hugs even if some kitties aren't into all that. This is a great idea.
    ~Lisa Co9T

  9. Hello there!

    The pictures are really great! There is so much love being shared in your home and that is really the one common bond that we all share in the bloggie world.

    Thank you so much for sharing and looking forward to sharing more adventures with you.

    -Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Scrappy & Bullet

  10. What lovely photos. It breaks our hearts to know that dear little Sen-Chan only had one birthday ~ but we hope he has many more at the Bridge.

  11. Dear #1,
    Thank you for that treat! Now I can visualize you. All the pics are great, but I especially like the one of you and Tama-Chan.

  12. How pawesome! ! !

    I'm still working on wearing down my mom -

    Given how persistent we Siberians khan be, I KNOW I'll be vikhtorious in the fluffy tailed end!

    Paws khrossed fur the special visitor!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Tommy!

  13. Those are all great photos with your person. We will not be showing our human. I have standards to keep on my blog -- at least your human looks... well HUMAN

  14. We continue to purray that Max will have many more good days. And what great pictures of you kitties and your loving #1! (she has very lovely curly fur and a wonderful smile)

  15. Many hugs to Max's Human Beans ... So hard to have a best friend go to The Rainbow Bridge.

    And such a delight to share the time with them while they are here with us ... Love all your pics. You look so happy ... Amazing what a bit of fur can do for the Human soul. Better than chicken soup I'd say, natch!!

    The Tart
    ; *

  16. We like the pics of your #1! You are right, we don't post pics of our mom either. Maybe one day....

  17. And we are so very glad for this interruption in the regular programming. After all, we pups and kitties wouldn't be able to post if it weren't for our beloved bipeds. Lovely photos, and as so many have commented throughout blog world, the love really shines through.

    Woos, Phantom and Thunder

  18. One of my biggest regrets is that I have a ton of pictures of Q, but very few of Q and me together. The same holds for pictures of 9 and Chani and me when they were little.

    Thank you for sharing your pictures. I love the one of you and Yuu-chan... has to be one of my favorites. :)

  19. Those are all such sweet photos, and it was so nice seeing Sen-Chan again!

  20. Great photos! That is such a nice idea to do. I'm on my blog too much, but now we know what you look like.

  21. AWWW!!! It is so cute to see your human!!! She's a lovely human!!! *waving paws*

    (Tama you are so insanely cute in your baby photo!!)

  22. Aww..what cute photos. I just love the last one.

  23. That is wondewful

    I know that Max and his om awe wight. Those oppowtoonities nevew come back and the pictoowes awe mowe pwecious when we know we can nevew wepeat them. We loved all youw pictoowes, showing the love you shawe wif youw bootiful fuwwkids. Thank you
    smoochie kisses

  24. Ahh, #1, it is so great to see you again! And beautiful sweet Sen-Chan among all the gang. Okay, we'll dig some out too.

    Your pals,

    Petey and Mica

  25. #1, such great photos! We loved your post and the happiness that shines through!

    A wonderful idea and a great tribute to Max and his Mom!

    take care
    Clive and the NSLM

  26. How nice to see #1. Mum doesn't get in my blog very often either. Maybe once or twice a year.

  27. AAhhhhhh we love the pictures
    Benny & Lily

  28. What beauties you have. Thanks for sharing- the animal human bond is a marvelous thing.
    Blessings to you....Beth (& Gracie the Himmie)

  29. We can see the love even more clearly now! Purrs to all of you!

  30. Those are lovely photos - and we think it's very cool to have seen your #1. She clearly loves you all a lot :-)

  31. We are just catching up on the news!

    Lovely photos of you all! So nice to see you #1!


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