Thursday, 4 February 2010

Tremendously Thankful Thursday

Yuu-Chan: We are once again late in posting today but we do have a good reason: we had vet appointments this afternoon for kitten shots, Tama-Chan boosters, and for me to get prodded and poked and tested because I am still sniffling, with gunky eye etc... #1 was all worried and now that it's all over, she has crumpled into a tiny little heap of relief on the floor.

First the kittens... Guess what? They are TWO MONTHS OLD today! They now all weigh over one kilo (that's 2.2 pounds) which is stellar! Here is how they all got so big!

Fuku-Chan is an absolute ham when it comes to photos (it was him in yesterday's shot too)...

Whilst he's posing, here is what the other are up to...

And here is Bibi-Chan getting looked over and getting his shot from Dr.C:

As for me, I tested negative for some really nasty stuff. Hurray! I got a new round of pills and eye drops to try and kick this gunky stuff once and for all. Paws crossed it works this time!

By the way, as usual, I screamed - I mean "SANG" - all the way to the vet's and back. That's 45 minutes each way...

And finally, we are holding our breaths on this but yesterday brought a little glimmer of hope that all might not be lost for our buddy MAX. So, please keep all the good thoughts flowing his way!


  1. WOO HOO!

    Pawesome news from your part of the world!

    I love the khlaws - woo trying to skhare me?

    So much to be thankful fur this Thursday!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Tommy! My word is FOODING!

  2. Oh Yuu-chan, I'm so happy you tested negative for the icky stuff. Sending more good thoughts to get rid of the gunky eye and sniffles!

    And yes, all the kits are huge now! Love the little ham.

    hugs and snuggles,

  3. We're glad that all are well, and we LOVE the little ham!!

  4. I am glad all you kitties are doing so well! And so cute too! And Yuu-Chan we hope you get over your sniffles soon - we are glad it isn't anything bad!

    And we have been purring hard for Max - we hope his mom can get some good info on him soon (we haven't gotten to see him yet today to see if there is better news).

  5. 2 months already! Wow, so glad all you kittens are doing so well! Yuu-Chan, sorry to hear about the gooky eye stuff! Hopefully those drops will work.

  6. I think Fuku-Chan takes after me!

    Glad that you're getting rid of the gunk, Yuu!

  7. Great vet reports are always things to be thankful for - glad to hear things went so well for all. Now to get those eyes cleared up. Thanks for the fun kitty shots.

    Woos, Phantom and Thunder

  8. Great news, Yuu-Chan! We're relieved too.

  9. YAY!!!!!!! great noos at the v-e-t! but we is sorry you has to take more medicines too Yuu-Chan.

  10. We're so glad all is well and healthy. Good luck with the new meds to clear up the goopy eyes!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  11. Banish goopy eyes ! Yay! Glad all went well.

  12. Happy second month birthday to the tinies. I hope your sniffles and eyes don't really bother you

  13. I look like a voodoo doll?
    Benny & Lily

  14. We are sooo glad the vet visit went well for everyone. Bibi Chan is our favorite, well, we think they are all wonderful kittens but we are partial to him. xoxo

  15. The kittens are adorable and I hope you and Max both feel better soon.

  16. Glad that you are feeling better! Those kittens are getting so big, they are going to take over soon.

    Your friends,
    Niamh & Ambrose

  17. Hooray for clean bills of health from the V-E-T. We hope the eye meds work some magic on that goopy eye stuff.

    Thanks for the update on Max. Am going to check in now...

  18. To tell you the truth, I've get used to find your post right after lunch, and was a bit worried yesterday you were not showing.
    So I'm glad you are all healthy!

  19. Hooray! I am glad your test came out good! And the kitties are thriving and doing so well!

  20. That must have been quite a trip to the vet with 4 kittens and 2 cats! No wonder #1 was tired afterwards.

    Just throwing this out there - might Yuu have some allergies? e.g. to Tommy, or something else around? Hope the medicine finally does the trick.

  21. Such gorgeous photos again. We just love the kittens, but they grow so fast. I sing all the way to the vet myself, but not on the way home cuz I know we are going home, so there is less to worry about.

  22. My momma is so jealous of all the cute kittens. She almost had an Aby at one point and thinks they are the most beautiful and fun cats.

  23. That good news all around! Hope you get better soon, Yuu-Chan - we'll keep our paws crossed and send you purrs.

    The kittens are just wonderful and they grow so fast :-)


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