Tuesday, 19 January 2010


Sei-Chan: It's been quite some time since we had a Toesday feature, so we are having one today, and I shall be your guide through the multitude of toes.

We will of course start with ME! As a sorrel Aby, I have the loveliest pink toes!

Of course, I am not unique in this house as my little brother Yuu-Chan also has perfectly pink toes, and he was showing them off last night...

Now, Tama-Chan and all her babies are ruddy Abys so their toes are the colour of roasted coffe beans:

As for the remaining 4-pawed member of the household, I am not too sure about this view I had yesterday evening as I was trying to nap...

I think they call it "Sporty Dog Paw!"

In other news, having received some encouragement on the matter, Yuu-Chan and I are seriously considering submitting entries for Mango Minster. We have asked #1 to set aside some time today to look at photos.

We also have some thanking to do. We received this award from two of our friends, Derby and Curlz and Swirlz. THANK YOU! This award has been doing the rounds for a little while, so we think most of our friends have received it already. If not, it's yours!


  1. What a wondrous grouping of furry twinkle toes!

  2. Such pretty toes all pink and roasted coffee bean-like. Love the Sporty Dog toes too!
    Congratulations on your award!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  3. Those are all great toe pictures! There are a lot of cute toes in your house!

  4. Cute toes all round. I had not realized the sorrel and ruddy toes were different colors.

  5. Furry nice toesies woo all have!

    KhonKhats on your award!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Tommy!

  6. Lovely toesies all around. Now, I must go snuggle 9 and Chani's toes.

  7. What a lotta toes. Cute ones too. We like Tommy's toe sticking up in the air.

  8. We like the pink toes the best, probably because neither of us has pink toes of our own. xoxo

  9. Abytoesday! I'm trying to say Happy Tuesday here BOL And of course, congratulations on your award!

  10. I dread to think what else Yuu-Chan was getting an eyeful of! MOL!

  11. Lovely toesie photos. Congrats to your award!

  12. Thanks so much for stopping by and saying hi. We are always looking for new furpals.

    My mom told me to tell you that Aby cats are her favorite breed of cat. They are so beautiful. We almost got one from a breeder but ended up not getting it. They are so beautiful and seem like they have so much personality. Look forward to reading more of your blog and hope you keep in touch.

  13. Very interesting, we didn't know that about the different colors of toes and different types of Abyssinians. We love learning new facts.

    The sporty paw is quite nice, don't you think?

    Woos, the OP Pack

  14. What cool toesies you all have! We like the coffee bean ones!

    And congrats on your award!

  15. Those were an awful lot of cute tosies.

  16. Are you the new yoga instructor?
    Benny & Lily

  17. What great pics of all different sizes and several different colors of toesies! and the big furry Sporty Dog Paw toesies was great!


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